I may be onto something here!

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72 cal
Jan 10, 2024
Reaction score
So I was at the dollar store the other day and I saw those pretty formed coin rolls and I had an epiphany. The dime rolls are the perfect size for a 12ga shot cup.
I folded the bottom of one of the coin sleeves to make the cu
then I tried it in the gun....
I plan on grabbing some of these cardboard ones from dollar tree tomorrow. I also plan on going to the range weather if permits tomorrow. I plan on loading 75gr ff/2x shotcard/paper cup/1&1/2oz #6 1/2 shot/shot card/skychief wad?

1000ct Dime Coin Wrappers Bulk Amazon.com


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Sorry if I've offended. Or sounded condescending.

I didn't use coin wrappers but to the same effect wrapped paper on a suitable dowel.

We here if these things being done to either quicken loading or improve a pattern but not many go on to do it forever. As I haven't.
At most I'll make simple cartridges to speed up loading but that doesn't require anything fancy.
Do have fun.
As @PathfinderNC observes, these heavy paper cups have a tendency to become slugs. These paper wraps need to hold together through loading and fall away from the shot column shortly after leaving the muzzle. A lot of threads on the forum have included the slugging caution. As @Britsmoothy notes, many have tried this but very few will continue to use a heavy paper cup. A cup made of thin paper, like newsprint and held in a wooden cartridge box with the holes for the cartridges drilled to the diameter of the wrapped cartridge keeps the cartridge intact while being carried and cushions the shot from the wear induced during firing but splits apart as the cartridge exits the muzzle.
It seems like "Did it years ago" could be your reply to most everything here!
There aren't too many things that you haven't done!
If only you could bottle and sell your experience, you'd be rich, instead of good-looking! :ghostly:
The fact is, pre formed coin roll shot cups have been mentioned here many times in the past. Maybe leave your personal beef with Britsmoothy out of this.
As @PathfinderNC observes, these heavy paper cups have a tendency to become slugs. These paper wraps need to hold together through loading and fall away from the shot column shortly after leaving the muzzle...

Interesting. When they do slug, do they stay a slug until impact, or still eventually peel away at some spot in the trajectory?
You can buy masking paper for painting from Harbor Freight for cheap and roll your own paper tubes for pennies. You just need a wood dowel as a form. You can get a 3/4" dowel and turn it down to size that will fit into your 12 gauge bore with ease. This is the same concept as making musket cartridges.:thumb:
Brazos John said:
It seems like "Did it years ago" could be your reply to most everything here!
There aren't too many things that you haven't done!
If only you could bottle and sell your experience, you'd be rich, instead of good-looking!

Maybe leave your personal beef with Britsmoothy out of this.

I have NO idea what you mean!
I meant for my comment to be complimentary and humourous.
I have no beef with Britsmoothy, only admiration for his many experiences, and his storytelling ability.
And it's fun hearing about Jess, too! 😍

Unless I misunderstood your comment? :dunno:
Brazos John said:
It seems like "Did it years ago" could be your reply to most everything here!
There aren't too many things that you haven't done!
If only you could bottle and sell your experience, you'd be rich, instead of good-looking!

I have NO idea what you mean!
I meant for my comment to be complimentary and humourous.
I have no beef with Britsmoothy, only admiration for his many experiences, and his storytelling ability.
And it's fun hearing about Jess, too! 😍

Unless I misunderstood your comment? :dunno:
I apologize.

There are too many personal beefs going on around here contaminating the information shared.
Some folks seem to not let a personal issue they have with someone allow them to acknowledge that someone has relevant information.

I felt your comment beneath you, if it was meant as I took it,,, as I didn't think of you as one of those people.
I admire Britsmoothy and his tales of hunting in Britain with his mighty dog Jess. He has been shooting bp for so many years that he makes a lot of us look like greenhorns. I have nothing but admiration and respect for Britsmoothy and Jess.

Like I said, he would be rich if he could turn his experiences into something that could be bottled and sold.
I would buy a whole case!

I felt your comment beneath you, if it was meant as I took it,,, as I didn't think of you as one of those people.
Thank you for the consideration. I always try to make my words sweet, in case I have to eat them later. If I have an objection to someone's comments, I'll either explain my point of view, or move along. In this case, I didn't want to risk a misunderstanding regarding someone I feel is a far-distant friend, hence my comments.

Thanks for your comments. Are we good?

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