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  1. 54ball

    Any idea what this is?

    I believe the lock is legit but it was not the lock this gun was made with. That lock is a later import “hardware store” lock. 1830s???? Sometimes these are called “Maslins”..... CVA and Dixie....folks like that, reproduced parts and locks like this. It was these repro parts that were used...
  2. 54ball

    Any idea what this is?

    It’s not French, it’s American. The checkering, the two piece side plate washers.....overall shape..... Now it’s possible it could be an Anglo-Belgian import but I strongly lean on it being an American piece. The barrel is fascinating octagonal that transitions to round..... very interesting...
  3. 54ball

    Any idea what this is?

    This is not a low quality gun! It’s middling or middle quality. Sometimes you hear these referred to “buck and ball guns. The lock is in no way related to this piece. It looks like it was deliberately broken by smashing the butt on the ground. Who knows? Maybe the guy who tried to fit that later...
  4. 54ball

    Flintlock muzzleloaders will rule again

    I’m not worried about any of this. I have fire insurance.
  5. 54ball

    Rifle vs. Smoothbore

    I agree with Rich.... A .50-54 flintlock rifle is a 100 yard gun. A smoothbore is a 50 yard gun. I’ll add this.... A .45 rifle is a 70 yard gun. Smoothbore guns are less forgiving about hold. Example..... Where it hits offhand may be a lot different than the bench. Prone, propped or...
  6. 54ball

    Historically accurate example of Flint, Full stock, hooked breech, barrel wedges?

    I saw this interesting English trade gun at the January Alabama Longrifle show..... I was able to find a stock for my 48” barreled Feather Gun project.
  7. 54ball

    Historically accurate example of Flint, Full stock, hooked breech, barrel wedges?

    The ramrod hole is really no big cheese. The main thing by far is the groove. The main thing about the groove is laying it out. After it’s cut in it needs to be true enough to guide the drill. It needs to guide the drill straight. Where ever the groove is pointing, that’s where drill is going...
  8. 54ball

    Herman Rupp 1793 Build

    First off let me say it’s a wonderful rifle from a very difficult school!!!!!!!! These are hard to pull off and it’s a great rifle. I don’t often critique but you deserve it. We don’t learn from attaboys..... Since you are serious, here we go. Here are problems you need to correct on the...
  9. 54ball

    Historically accurate example of Flint, Full stock, hooked breech, barrel wedges?

    OK big boy, Here we go..... I mentioned how expensive this would be. Now, the cost comes down with the more stuff you have. It seems you might already have a set-up. Table/bench, vise and basic tools. The good books have been mentioned. Education has been mentioned. By the way, join the ALR...
  10. 54ball

    Historically accurate example of Flint, Full stock, hooked breech, barrel wedges?

    I completely agree. One thing I do see a lot of Dave, It seems to me, most of the keyed standing breech American “rifles” of the 18th Century are Smoothbore with octagonal to round barrels. Most of these have “rifle architecture”. I hesitate to use the term smoothrifle. Sometimes I think it’s...
  11. 54ball

    Historically accurate example of Flint, Full stock, hooked breech, barrel wedges?

    OK..... You have a great attitude. You mention handling original or good contemporary guns. This is a great start. John Phillip Beck is a great example..... In photos his rifles can look robust. In person a Beck Rifle is dainty and fine....almost delicate in hand. If all you have seen ate...
  12. 54ball

    Homeowner uses muzzleloader on home intruder

    There is more to this one. The home owner was elderly. I suspect this had something to do with the homeowner’s adult son. I believe there’s a connection with the perpetrators and the adult son. I smell drug activity, that’s why the home was searched imho. At face value the homeowner looks to...
  13. 54ball

    Lock & side plate inletting fix(es)

    Pictures would really help. Without seeing it’s impossible to give any informed advice. There’s some things that can be done but again without seeing the actual item, that advice may not apply.
  14. 54ball

    Barrel length and velocity of patched balls

    For the most part it is accurate information. Now there’s always the “hypothetical” 10 foot long barrel with a squib load stuff🙄. For the most part...... In the real world....... Using realistic barrel lengths..... Using realistic charges......... A longer barrel will give more velocity...