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  • andy52
    andy52 replied to the thread Velocity affect accuracy ?.
    not meant at you personally, but when I see or hear flat trajectory I think isn't that an oxymoron? Trajectory and flat are...
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to Ninering62's post in the thread Velocity affect accuracy ? with Like Like.
    NIce shooting. We were just doing some .22 target shooting at my home range last Fri. My brother competes in Germany with his Anschutz...
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to Ninering62's post in the thread Velocity affect accuracy ? with Like Like.
    " the objective is to find the load that produces the flatest trajectory. That should be that specific rifle's most accurate load...
  • andy52
    andy52 replied to the thread Canoe gun..
    I'm not interested in a BB 12 ga is larger than I want.
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to longcruise's post in the thread Canoe gun. with Like Like.
    I think you are right on. Don't know how I was thinking chambers.
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to ghunter's post in the thread Canoe gun. with Like Like.
    I bought a blanket gun kit from Pecatonica River in .68. and have been most please. P. O. Box 2791...
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to Fitzhugh Williams's post in the thread Canoe gun. with Like Like.
    I think the father of the canoe gun was Jackie Brown. He made a lot of them. I haven't heard anything about him in a long while.
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to Kentuckyjed's post in the thread Canoe gun. with Like Like.
    I think that rick1964 had one for sale at the Fort de Chartres winter vous, he might still have it unless it was a blunderbuss,(can't...
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to smo's post in the thread Zinc powder flask? with Like Like.
    They split along the side seem. Or at least the one I own did.
  • andy52
    andy52 replied to the thread Zinc powder flask?.
    No splits or cracks in this one.
  • andy52
    andy52 reacted to French Colonial's post in the thread Zinc powder flask? with Like Like.
    I never cared for American Cap and Flask products even though I have several, build quality is way below Dixon, Hawksley, Sykes and...
  • andy52
    andy52 replied to the thread Zinc powder flask?.
    It's in pretty good shape and I can get it for 40 bucks
  • andy52
    andy52 replied to the thread Canoe gun..
    I'll check it out thanks.
  • andy52
    andy52 replied to the thread Canoe gun..
    Thank you sir.
  • andy52
    A seller has a has a flask listed as a American Flask and cap co. item. What does the peanut gallery say about zinc flasks.