Recent content by fireman1

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  1. fireman1

    WANTED Walker holster

    I'll dig out what I have and get a picture.
  2. fireman1

    WANTED WTB French Giberne aka French Cartridge box/other Napoleonic war accoutrements

    To the top. Still looking for one. Carbine or rifle. Also other used French Napoleonic wars reproduction stuff.
  3. fireman1

    WANTED Walker holster

    I've got a tooled leather one. I can dig it out if you are interested.
  4. fireman1

    Loading Stand & Cylinder press

    tagging for later
  5. fireman1

    The Outlaw Josey Wales

    No it does not. I was in 10th grade when THE MOVIE came out.
  6. fireman1

    The Outlaw Josey Wales

    Now I feel old.
  7. fireman1

    The Outlaw Josey Wales

    Holy thread resurrection!
  8. fireman1

    Making a Brown Bess look more authentic

    maybe he wants authenticity, maybe he just wants a certain look. Cimarron Arms sells guns that look used just for that reason. The slap fight start on page one and continues on. Nick sure does have good info as do several others. Most are great about presenting it. Some are not. You can...
  9. fireman1

    Uberti Dragoons

    Posts are numbered in the upper right had corner of a post. Inside the blue bar.
  10. fireman1

    Making a Brown Bess look more authentic

    Read my previous post. He's relatively new here. You and another guy have hijacked his thread into a name calling little tantrum. You and other people are telling him his gun will never be right. So what? He likes it and it looks good. You insult him by saying he is cherry picking-post...
  11. fireman1

    Making a Brown Bess look more authentic

    LOLOL....a 2023 account wants to talk. Read the OP which is un-edited. He wants it to look more used. He never mentions reenacting or any.
  12. fireman1

    Making a Brown Bess look more authentic

    No the topic is making it look more used.
  13. fireman1

    Making a Brown Bess look more authentic

    Excellent way to get a new guy to never return. FT Edward is probably right in his AO. It would be perfectly appropriate for him.
  14. fireman1

    Making a Brown Bess look more authentic

    OP, nice gun! First off, I would like to apologize for the behavior of some ''men'' in this thread. Apparently they cannot control themselves and have to bring their teenage girl bickering into every thread. Also for those that did not comprehend what you are looking to do. There are some...
  15. fireman1

    Uberti Dragoons

    There is no need to get that nasty! 🤣