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  • flatcreek
    flatcreek replied to the thread Thinning down a frizzen spring.
    Why not use the old spring, save some work and the new spring or is it weak?
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to waksupi's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Like Like.
    We're up to a tall squaw's butt with deer here, and antlerless tags are plentiful. One year you could get 28 tags down in the...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Loyalist Dave's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Like Like.
    When I was a boy there was no doe season in Maryland. Now doe are fair game. What changed was not just numbers of doe, but ability to...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Uncle Miltie's post in the thread Lester Cox slug gun advice with Like Like.
    Ten shots at 300 yards on this one.
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek replied to the thread Safe or naw.
    One of the problems with the internet is, people search till they find the answer they want.
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek replied to the thread Buck vs Doe.
    In NJ they suspended deer hunting a couple times for several years. Once around 1860 and again around 1900. They imported deer in the...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to sturmkatze's post in the thread replacement for TC bore butter with Like Like.
    Oh gods… here it comes. I’ll give you my brother Jim Bob’s secret formula: -3 cups moose milk -2 cups vodka — the blueberry Stoli kind...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Frontier's's post in the thread ALR forum now sexy with Like Like.
    Looks normal to me. Clear your history ya perv 😆
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek replied to the thread Buck vs Doe.
    I'm going back to 50s thinks in the 70s or 80s is when the changes took place. Not sure just going from memory and sometime it's a...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Mike in FL's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Like Like.
    I suppose that's true to some extent. I just would not presume to know what's best for statewide herds. I live in FL where deer are...
  • flatcreek
    I do to.:(
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Dave Marsh's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Like Like.
    You can't trust the bureaucrats to do anything right. They know nothing and are only interested in the almighty dollar. Sure, there...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Spikebuck's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Like Like.
    As a general statement, I hope that is true. Unfortunately it may not always be the case. Here in Minnesota, our deer population a few...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Spikebuck's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Love Love.
    This morning was our regular firearms opener. I was out with my flintlock on my own small property of just 6 acres. I could have...
  • flatcreek
    flatcreek reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Buck vs Doe with Like Like.
    I suppose that's true at first face–but very few fawns make it to adulthood. For a population to remain stable, a doe only needs to...