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    French Colonial replied to the thread what patch to use?.
    So...... You are going to continue to use a .005 patch, great! This particular gun is the exception to the rule that a patch needs to...
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    French Colonial reacted to TerryK's post in the thread what patch to use? with Like Like.
    If I don't get water vapor down after each shot It is almost impossible to load twice. I good blow and I can go as long as I like...
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Canoe gun..
    We used to take canoe trips lasting a few days and squirrel was "what's for dinner".
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Canoe gun..
    Same with squirrels.
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    French Colonial reacted to andy52's post in the thread Canoe gun. with Like Like.
    Yes, I have, and you are correct about the overall length of the gun. Most of my hunting from a canoe has been with cap locks or...
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    French Colonial reacted to wiscoaster's post in the thread working up load with Like Like.
    I would suggest first selecting your preferred patch thickness by 1) how tight it is to load, and 2) examination of the patch after...
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Canoe gun..
    If you actually do any hunting out of a canoe, which I have in the distant past, you will realize that short barreled guns are almost a...
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    French Colonial reacted to Phil Coffins's post in the thread what patch to use? with Like Like.
    You will not be happy with .005” patch, any kind of paper will be less than effective. Change ball size to use a thicker patch.
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Cast vs. Swaged.
    Hold on to your seat.... Get ready for the ex spurts that are coming to tell you their cast bullets are better because the weight is...
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Too much trouble......
    I tried the paper cartridges, bought a Guns of The West cartridge kit and Eras gone mold and after some trial and error I finally got to...
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Enough spark?.
    Is that the only flint you own? Like some have said, the flint is too big for the lock, cutting a notch in the leather may help set it...
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    French Colonial replied to the thread Felt Wads Over Bullet.
    As I have reported in the past, I tried my standard load with the addition of a lubed felt wad between powder and patched ball and...
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    French Colonial reacted to Brokennock's post in the thread 20ga Fowler hunting loads with Like Like.
    I usually attribute this to a little thing called,,,,,, missing. (Although occasionally I'll just accuse gravity of not doing its job)...
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    Let me boil down Britsmoothy's advise....... Just shoot it! This should be the reply for about 80-90 percent of the questions on this...
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    French Colonial reacted to Britsmoothy's post in the thread 20ga Fowler hunting loads with Like Like.
    I hardly ever pattern board anything unless something is very wrong, like birds not falling out of the sky... I don't think it is...