My name is Victor. My nickname is Jappo. Its a nickname my father gave me when I was born because he said my eyes looked like a Japanese. It is actually pronounced with an H, Hoppo. Hoppones was the original in Spanish for Japanese. I've carried it all my life. Im 70 now. Its been shortened through the years. Hop or Jap. Depends who is referring to me.
I've been into muzzleloading for about 15 years. Been working on guns since I was about 9. Had a gun/smith shop in 1974 to 1980. My specialty is revolvers and shotguns. I especially like the double barrel kind.
I also restored antique engines for about five years. Back in the 1990s.
Was in the roofing business nearly all my life. Had to retire early because of complications with my feet. Was diagnosed with neuropathy.
Now I just piddle around with black powder guns. Buy sell and trade.
My wife passed away about 10 years ago. I think. I don't keep up with the date. She died young of a terrible disease called Huntington's Chorea.
I lived on a 250 acre ranch as caretaker. It was always leased out to a rancher and hunters. But I still had run of the land during off season. Had my own area to hunt during season.
The ranch was finally sold after the death of the owners. Their daughter inherited it and had no use for it.
Now I'm living in town and don't get out to shoot like I used to.
But hey, I enjoyed it and have no regrets.
- Birthday
Sep 13, 1953
(Age: 71)
- Location