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  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to gsday's post in the thread .62 caliber info with Like Like.
    Ryzman, I built this 62 cal, D weight, in a Beck style pre-carve. It's got a nice wide butt plate, and it is a nice shooting gun...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to Dphar's post in the thread .62 caliber info with Like Like.
    You must remember that many of these guns have been "freshed" in all likelyhood. So a rifle that is now 50-54-58 could have started at...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to excess650's post in the thread .62 caliber info with Like Like.
    I have both .58 and .62 flinters. The .62 is almost 8#, so relatively light. What helps with recoil is a stock with little drop and a...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to rabjr's post in the thread .62 caliber info with Like Like.
    You want one, go for it. I really like the .62 and after what I've seen with the .62 smoothbore, I just know I'm going love everything...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to excess650's post in the thread .62 caliber info with Like Like.
    I think the article AlanA is referring to is in "Blackpowder Hunting" summer issue 1998. There is a passage in an article by Seyfried...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to ckwilli's post in the thread Really bad start with Wow Wow.
    The hits just keep on coming. On my way to work today I had a guy run a stop sign and flee from the scene. I’m a little upset with...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to Reds's post in the thread Really bad start with Like Like.
    Last year in Western Md
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to Buzzard Luck's post in the thread Meat on the table with Like Like.
    This morning started cool and crisp. 30 degrees and no wind. Just after daylight a doe and 2 fawns walked by, I considered shooting the...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to ChuckJonesWagon's post in the thread New rifle with Like Like.
    Excellent work!
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to MSW's post in the thread New rifle with Like Like.
    great looking rifle
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman replied to the thread New rifle.
    Thank you, SixGun. The British Sporting Rifle design inspired the Hawken design. Hawken ditched the British finesse in favor of rugged...
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to SixGun's post in the thread New rifle with Like Like.
    I usually don't like the lines of a half stock gun but that piece is beautiful. Congrats.
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to JimFlint's post in the thread New rifle with Like Like.
    Just beautiful, enjoy.
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman replied to the thread Missed opportunities.
    probably overshot, due to close proximity. happens to all of us. i have done it several times, and it is an easy mistake to make
  • pamtnman
    pamtnman reacted to Canadian Dragoon's post in the thread Missed opportunities with Like Like.
    So I have been deer hunting with flintlock for the past 3 years. I hunt with 4 others in a camp here in eastern Ontario and the rest of...