I’ve always wanted to assemble this kit and have done a lot or research with other’s who have built it. I found someone with an original that was willing to share pictures and measurements, this helps. The receiver if they’re willing to assemble it helps a lout. My judgment tells me it’s not the easiest kit to work on. The alignment of the receiver, lock to the breech area seems like it can be tricky. One thing we i had realized later on was that some gasses escaping the breech area is considered normal for this type of rifle, the areas’s around the breech that open are considered gas vents for this purpose.
It’s probably one of the more unusual flintlock breech loaders.
After much debate with this kit my decision rested between a Hall Kit and Ferguson kit, my main concern was the stock breech area on a Ferguson is generally pretty weak. However this can be remedied with structural epoxies and thin steel sleeves.
There’s also doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of experience builders with Hall kits, a i found a few folks that have made the rifle and they all pretty much said avoid it and buy an original.
i had decided to save up for a Ferguson build, they’re much nicer looking and the design seems to be more simplified. Hall Rifles do assembled correctly are great efficient rifles, but i think in the long run a Ferguson is the better choice, if i had ever wanted to part ways with it.