I’m planning on hunting high country mule deer with the old man this September. Looking at focusing our efforts at 11-12,000’ in Colorado. I don’t foresee us taking shots over 100 yards as neither of our eyes would allow it with our flinters. One thought (small concern, but I’m not sure it should be at our ranges) I have is trajectory being affected in that altitude. Our loads are developed at 1,000’ and there’s really not a good way of testing them without blowing out basins when we go. Should we have cause for concern within 75 yards?

Just for giggles, here are is my 5 shot 50 yard grouping with my Kibler .58 colonial. 80 gr FFF, .015 spit patch and hornady .57 rb.

Just for giggles, here are is my 5 shot 50 yard grouping with my Kibler .58 colonial. 80 gr FFF, .015 spit patch and hornady .57 rb.