Full stock Hawken

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Barry Stewart

36 Cal.
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
I finished up building a full stock Hawken last winter and finally got around to shooting it. I built it out of a hodgepodge of parts I acquired over the last several years. The barrel is a Green Mountain .50 cal replacement for a TC Hawken and the lock is a LR replacement lock for a Lyman GPR. I ordered the pre inlet stock and everything else from Track of the Wolf. I always liked the pineapple patch box and earlier style trigger guard so went with those.

This was my most extensive build to date. This was my first patch box inlet and I had to cut new barrel under lugs for the barrel wedges. Also had to drill and tap the tang screw into the trigger guard etc.. It was somewhat challenging but fun.

I went out to the local national forest to my usual shooting spot.

Here is the rifle along with a Lyman Plains Pistol kit I put together. Having never handled an original Hawken, I poured over photos in “The Hawken Rifle” by Bob Woodfill to try to get the overall look and architecture the best I could.

I used my Fur Trade Era accoutrements but did not dress up in my full outfit.


This was more of a function test for the rifle and I just shot standing at 20 yards. The load was a .490 round ball with a .015 patch over 65 grains of fff.

The first shot was promising….

But the rest of the group opened up a little…

Here it is with my homemade Buffalo powder horn and brain tanned shout pouch.

Here is a closer shot of the patch box and trigger guard.

It was a nice day in the mountains. Here is Mount Shasta on the drive home.

I gave the rifle a thorough cleaning when I got home. Here it is next to my current project, a Leman flintlock trade rifle.

Thanks for coming along!
VERY NICE RIFLE for sure!;):thumb:. You do very nice work and as ZZ TOP SONG SAYS - "SHARP DRESSED MAN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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