Newbie From Houston

Muzzleloading Forum

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Howdy, and Welcom from Fort Bend!

There will be a public doin's (Texas Association of Buckskinners) at the Presideo La Bahia in Goliad December 6-8. Goliad will be period for participants but open to the public. Bought a rifle from a trader there once. PM your email if interested and I will send you the flyer. Links at end.

Christmas at the Fort (Old Fort Parker) in Groesbeck is a "trade" show. December 12-14th. No additional info on their website. Last OFP I was at was a poodle show of eras and much farby stuff, and I quit making the 9 hour round trip years ago. The 18th Century Society of Texas holds a couple excellent events at OFP each year well worth attending as public or participant.

I order Goex from Coonies a case at a time delivered to my front door. Just bought 1000 caps from Natchez during sale with free hazmat. Only paid twice what they are worth.

Sure do miss going to Rebel Arms at Genoa-Red Bluff for all supplies and a Saturday of shooting. It is a freeway now.
I will definitely look into this. A BP event would be cool. I think I will be out of town on those dates but I will see.
Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.

My first go-to for muzzleloading has been Track of the Wolf for some time. Percussion primers (I stilll pop a few) and powder are either Graf's & Sons or Powder Inc. Good luck!
Yes I've been browsing track since I got started on this adventure. Lots of good stuff there.
Howdy from a new member in Houston, TX. I have started to find an interest in American muzzleloaders recently. I have a very modest collection of "modern" firearms with stuff ranging from before the first world war to current day. My collection just doesn't feel complete now without an important part of American history; a flintlock rifle.

Being as close to urban Houston as I am, it is hard to find brick and mortar sources for my new found muzzle loading passion. I've been perusing this forum for some time with questions that I've had. There are so many knowledgeable folks in here and I hope I can be of some help to others here as well. Thank yall for having me.
Welcome from Western North Carolina
10-Ring on Jones Road has what you need plus unmentionables stuff. Great place.
Be advised, it is against the Houston Fire Code to sell black powder inside the city limits. 10 Ring and Bass Pro in Katy and Pearland are the only sources I know of. Check with 10 Ring; they used to bulk order for groups of BP shooters.👏👍
Howdy and Welcome from The Woodlands.
Lots of experienced folks here, so ask any questions you have, and folks will have all kinds of answers. The trick is deciding what will work for you. Lots of ways to skin a cat, so to speak.

There are a bunch of bp shooters in the area. We ought to find a day to do some shooting somewhere.
Again, welcome.
Welcome from Southeast Tx, Mauriceville. Used to have a traditional black powder shop locally in Kountze Tx but closed 7 years ago. Like others I use TOW and Graf and sons for powder. It seems there are a pretty good number of us from Houston area over to Beaumont and my neck of the woods. We really should make an effort to get together as a group and shoot, make a post for interest and follow up with pm for contact information and come up with a time and place, would be a blast😀
Welcome from Southeast Tx, Mauriceville. Used to have a traditional black powder shop locally in Kountze Tx but closed 7 years ago. Like others I use TOW and Graf and sons for powder. It seems there are a pretty good number of us from Houston area over to Beaumont and my neck of the woods. We really should make an effort to get together as a group and shoot, make a post for interest and follow up with pm for contact information and come up with a time and place, would be a blast😀
Used to be a club over in that area. Piney Woods or some such. Been to a few rendezvous there in my younger years.

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