Might want to wait for the gun building experts to chime in. I only build a gun or two a year for entertainment and am far from an expert.You're sort of making my point, that's huge compared to what I have. if I had that much space I wouldn't have made this post.
As far as your example, I have seen less, some almost even with lockplate. Never a problem. Only posted the photograph because that’s what I had on the bench to take a photograph of. If you are reluctant to remove a bit of wood from inside the lock mortise or stone a few thousandths off the bottom of the sear bar and want to bend the sear bar, suggest you have a spare sear in hand before attempting to bend the one you have.
I just grabbed a photograph of the unfinished mortise the previously mentioned lock will reside in. Note the clearance for the sear bar is almost flush with lock plate mortise just where the sear bar will be.

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