Nipple Repairs

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Jan 31, 2009
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Anyone looked at putting a dot of 309 filler metal on the bottoms of nipples with big holes and then redrilling the tiny holes?
I got a gun the other day that had the nipple drilled out quite a bit, my take is a little drilling is OK, if the blowback cocks your hammer, it is definitely time for a new nipple. I was shooting light charges in the gun but changed the nipple out with a new one anyway.
Nipples are too cheap for me to not just put a new one on.Personally I want anything I have any control over to be as consistant as possible.Probably does not matter but need all the help I can get to keep everything the same when shooting.
With rifles that are made for heavy bullets, yeah, it would make a lot of sense to tighten up the holes.
Or with revolvers.
Where is the cost benefit? What is your time worth? Kind of like years back I got the bright idea I could save a lot of money by getting Siler lock kits and putting them together. Well unless you have a rather large chunk of money invested in equipment and tools the time involved in putting one together by hand with the minimum of equipment and tools comes out to be rather expensive.
Before I retired as a tool and die maker I would make a "sholdered" liner for burned out nipples out of tool steel. They worked well and lasted longer than the original . It was precise work but I had the equipment to do it with. Ah the joys of third shift tool room.
Anyone looked at putting a dot of 309 filler metal on the bottoms of nipples with big holes and then redrilling the tiny holes?

No offense to ya 'nkbj', but it sounds like the project would be nothing but 'heartache and sorrow and the wailing and gnashing to teeth'. More power to ya for wanting to fix things without buying but IMO somethings are 'better left well alone'. Ifin yer into buying coffee at those high priced coffee outfits that dot the highways and malls on a daily basis, abstaining from them for a week or two would more than pay for a new set for a revolver, a couple of days for a rifle/shotgun.
Sounds as exciting as putting the eye in a sewing needle! Some things are better off buying.