Matched pair of Napoleons

Muzzleloading Forum

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32 Cal.
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
I have a matched pair of 1/4 scale Napoleons finished. Consecutive barrel numbers..
Here is a video of one of these things firing a blank load. Turn up the volume.

You know, I think you are really hooked on Cannon Making. If you look at your wonderful pictures you see all kinds of cannon Implements lying around. Your matched pair look great. Have been waiting for your post, as you stated you have been busy as a beaver. I am glad you have a hobby that fits you to a T. You are very good at crafts and everybody enjoys your work and pictures. You are a natural at this. Your workshop is way to clean for me.
You know, I think you are really hooked on Cannon Making. If you look at your wonderful pictures you see all kinds of cannon Implements lying around. Your matched pair look great. Have been waiting for your post, as you stated you have been busy as a beaver. I am glad you have a hobby that fits you to a T. You are very good at crafts and everybody enjoys your work and pictures. You are a natural at this. Your workshop is way to clean for me.

Thanks Rich44!
I do love making this stuff. My shop, however, is always a disaster. It is a small sheet metal building 12' X 24'. I am space poor but equipment rich!
I stay pretty busy.


