ooooh I deplore the term "possibles bag". It is a shot bag or shot pouch or hunting bag or hunting pouch, or maybe rifle bag, etc. To say "possibles bag" to me is like scraping your fingernails down a chalk board. AAAAH
LOL hehehe.

No offense intended. I'm just getting more and more crotchy in my old age, and rebelling against a world where I don't belong but am forced to reside. But I really doubt that "possibles bag" was a true historic term. I think it was invented in the 20th century, possibly by film makers.
Yeah, I'm on a crusade. Get rid of that term!
But, anyway, who says a shot pouch has to be made of leather? Downsize a haversack slightly and you have a shot pouch.
As a lifelong hunter, prone to crawl through thickets on my hands and knees, and sometimes taking off on a dead run jumping over logs and rocks for one reason or another (when I was young), I sure do not want a stiff, open bag. Things get lost that way.
I have three bags; each goes with my three primary hunting arms. Percussion and flintlock rifles and flintlock fowler. Two are fairly soft leather. The other, my fowler bag, is canvas. All of them have button closures. I can work the single button with one hand while not looking. Inside, I have the various items in specific locations. I can find what I want just by the feel of it. I made all of my bags myself. One of them is now over 30 years old, and still going strong.