36 Cl.
Around 1990 I was working as a carpenter on a driving range golf shack and the guy working it said “hey Mark my wife’s dad just died and he has all these shotgun shells and amo and nobody wants it, you want it?” I said yeah thanks a lot.
And he gave me this can of black powder. He had no idea what it was except it probably had to do with guns.
Anyway I put it on a shelf and never touched it.
Absolutely nothing comes up on google about this powder and searching this sight only one thread mentioning it about 2008.
No big deal. I gather it’s some cheap Dirty China powder but I thought I’d post a pic of it for curiosity sake.
Anyone know any more about it or want to add something, I’d be interested
And he gave me this can of black powder. He had no idea what it was except it probably had to do with guns.
Anyway I put it on a shelf and never touched it.
Absolutely nothing comes up on google about this powder and searching this sight only one thread mentioning it about 2008.
No big deal. I gather it’s some cheap Dirty China powder but I thought I’d post a pic of it for curiosity sake.
Anyone know any more about it or want to add something, I’d be interested