Merry Christmas from Ohio

Muzzleloading Forum

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32 Cal
Dec 24, 2024
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New member here.

Have used muzzleloaders since I was 14 or so. Used inlines mostly for the past 25+ years for hunting. I bought a flintlock a few years ago (a Brown Bess) for musket salutes at grave markings and SAR Color Guard use.
New member here.

Have used muzzleloaders since I was 14 or so. Used inlines mostly for the past 25+ years for hunting. I bought a flintlock a few years ago (a Brown Bess) for musket salutes at grave markings and SAR Color Guard use.
Correction, you've used a "modern case less ammunition rifle" for the past 25 years, we don't take to kindly to them heathenish rifles round these parts. Those that we do not speak of are not welcome round these parts. You can hop yer kester over the fence and go join them fellers over yonder at the Modern Case Less Rifle forum ( modern muzzle loader) with that talk of a good waste of steel and plastic! Now, your Ole Bessie is surely most welcome in these hollers. 🤣🤣 Just Funnin. Welcome to here from SC. Lots of great knowledgeable folks here!!

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