Know and understand the anatomy of your large game animal. You can not place a killing shot if you do not know where it belongs.
This current long-range shooting fad is totally disgusting and unethical to me. That is not hunting. It is sniping.
Methinks so too.
Most people don't have the time to spend on the range to develop the skills, not to mention the money for the thousands of rounds that it takes to get that good, and definitely don't spend the time that they do have shooting in all kinds of weather. Shooting in the cold rain while you are laying in mud isn't for everyoneIt seems a few “ hunters” are influenced by the videos of long range sniper hits in the Middle East a few years back. Now, I DO practice at very long range, but that kind of practice is NOT for hunting, it’s in case society breaks down.
I use to hunt with a longbow. I had a lot of modern rifles that had taken plenty of deer and other animals as well as muzzle loaders. This all took place when I was a younger man. when I was in my fifties I hunted with a bow. I loved to see an arrow leave the bow and head toward a spot on a animal where I wanted it to go. I had made up my mind I was going to take a buck. I thought I couldn't make a mistake but I was wrong. Once I was hunting a trail that I knew a lot of does used as I had watched them on numerous occasions pass this way.It was during the rut and I knew a buck would eventually start following the does. I was right! A huge buck with antlers that would make any hunter proud to have came down the trail. I was behind some militrary camouflage I had draped in front of my position. I was siting on a folding wooden chair. I let the buck walk past me so I could slip the arrow just in front of his ham to take out the diaphragm and major organs for a quick kill.It was a give me due to the buck being only ten feet away. As he passed by I stood up pulled the bow back an let the arrow loose! The bottom limb of my bow struck the chairnwith a crack that would wake up the dead ! That buck took off like a streak of light! My arrow was never found but I know it hit low ,possibly hitting one of his legs.I was one sick puppy as that was the nicest deer I had ever seen and I blew it! I do know for a fact that the most important part for making a clean kill is shot placement regardless of whether it is a bow or a rifle!There has been lots of talk about killing deer etc with 32, 36, 40, 45 - 72 Cal roundballs etc. Yes all will kill if shot was taken from a decent distance and hit in the vitals. Blood Trails will always vary regardless of caliber or charge. As a guy who processes over 1000 deer a year I see all kinds of hits. From shoulder blown to pieces to spine hits, gut shots, butt hits and everything in between. A larger caliber should NEVER be an excuse to make up for poor shot placement. I recently watched a video of a guy who shot a deer at 100 yards using a .50 cal BMG round if unfamiliar its a huge round designed to take out light armor and vehicles as well as people initial intended for military use going 3000fps with 700 grain bullet creating 14,000 ft/lbs of energy. The guy hit the deer in front of the shoulder and the deer ran off with little blood and was seen with hole in it later that day as well as next few days alive. The next day he hit a deer in chest at same distance and the exit hole was so big they couldn't show it on video. Bottom line is use the most accurate caliber you have that is adequate/legal/humane to hunt deer. Guns are tools - in mechanics you always want to use the right tool for the job. The same thing applies here. Now: I will be the first person to admit I challenge myself while hunting using a recurve this year, while leaving a $2500 new wheel bow at home, also using flintlock only this year while leaving modern CF's with high dollar scope/thermals in the safe. But I practiced all off season and ongoing throughout the season with recurve - I can hit ethically out to 40 yards with it but have limited my shot to only 20 yards in the woods on game. Same thing with flintlock I can hit well out to and past 150 yards with the 54 rifle but again I limit my shots in woods on game to 75 yards. Basically, I always use the rule take your max range you're good at on paper then divide it by 2 on game and that's my max distance. I don't make any exceptions to the self-imposed limitations. There's too many variables that happen in the woods, game moves, leaves/brush, limited light, unknow distance, etc., all come into play. In the processing shop each year we cut the top off a 2- liter bottle and label it for the year and its called the "death cup". We pull everything from deer broadheads, 22lr bullets, bird shot, buck shot, heck I've pulled out headlight pieces to broken off antler tips all nonlethal hits. Of course we pull out a mess of lethal hits too.
One more thing people come in getting upset if they did not get a pass through with gun. To me this is better as the deer literally soaked up 100 percent of energy the bullet delivered vs blowing through the deer and only part of energy being delivered to the deer the rest is expended on wherever the bullet/ball hits after. Sure pass throughs lead to better blood trails but its give and take. Anyways I been thinking about making this post for a few weeks and finally spoke my mind. Thanks for listening.
What is a “girt”?Loved reading your post. Dad and I USED to process hundreds of deer and found all the same things you do/did. We had a girt on the wall that was just lined with bullets, broad heads, wire, plastic and even sabots, from those very close range shots. I was also amazed how many were hit by cars. I don't miss that commitment every fall. One thing we never found? That "perfect hit" that didn't kill the deer the first time it was shot. I hear that too often. "I hit it perfectly and cant find it". No, no you didn't or we'd have a dead deer on the ground.
Great post Too Tall
Once again, you are spot on with your statement, LD.CNS Shots, aka Shoulder Shots are fine, if the deer presents the shot to the hunter. They do tend to crumple where they are standing. Double lung shots are also successful, but may require a short walk.
My favorite deer hunting caliber is .58. I normally take only broad side shots at the big target, the heart lung area. I’ve only recovered one round ball. Making a exception to my broad side rule, I shot, the deer was quartering toward me. The deer went about 30 yards an went down. The ball was found in the opposite ham. The lungs were wrecked and the ball some how didn’t rupture the guts. Stopping in the ham. I really like pickeled deer heart so I normally aim for the center of the lung area. So far with more deer harvested with the .58 than my entire armory together I’ve never had to really track a animal. I’ve allways had blood trails a ex city boy like me could easily follow. BJHShot placement trumps power every time. I have always aimed for the shoulder crease below the middle of the chest cavity. A double lung shot normally results in a complete pass through with a minimal blood trail (using a patched round ball). Careful tracking follows. The high shoulder shot is a "drop right there", but this is a smaller target. That is why I prefer the lung shot with my flintlocks.
This year I used a .58 instead of a .50, hoping it would result in a better blood trail. It didn't. Two does double lunged at 35 and 45 yards, respectively, both ran over 60 yards with no blood trail for the first 30 yards.
I never am concerned about a flintlock hitting the lungs. It’s 100 yard walk at most.Shot placement trumps power every time. I have always aimed for the shoulder crease below the middle of the chest cavity. A double lung shot normally results in a complete pass through with a minimal blood trail (using a patched round ball). Careful tracking follows. The high shoulder shot is a "drop right there", but this is a smaller target. That is why I prefer the lung shot with my flintlocks.
This year I used a .58 instead of a .50, hoping it would result in a better blood trail. It didn't. Two does double lunged at 35 and 45 yards, respectively, both ran over 60 yards with no blood trail for the first 30 yards.
Happens a lot in this area too, especially on public landsIn some hunting areas, if the deer runs too far , you will find someone claiming it’s their deer. I like to drop them as fast as possible. Neighbor lost a nice buck years ago. It ran over 150 yards to a road. When he got there, 3 individuals were loading it in a truck.
If you hunt a lot it will happen to you!Happens a lot in this area too, especially on public lands
What kind of velocity would be needed to pass through an average deer double lung shot, with 50 cal PRB at 50 yds.