Black Powder Zero

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32 Cal
Jan 14, 2025
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Somewhat interesting, for me anyway. I am pushing toward 63 years old. I started carrying firearms as a living in the Marine Corps at 18. After my discharge I did a 28 year LE career which centered primarily on SWAT, certified firearms instructor for over 25 years, you name it I’ve shot it (or something darn close to it), but have never fired anything black powder. I actually owned a Ruger Old Army for a while, but it sat in my safe for a year, so I let it go (which is killing me now). I’ve been a member of several firearms sites, but have left all of them because, to be honest, they bore the heck out of me, if not downright annoy me with all the banter about optics, front slide serrations, and how recent advances have made 9mm ammunition “almost” to .44 magnum (I’m being facetious). Anyway, here I am. Except for some Rumble videos and a few articles I am a black powder blank slate. I don’t currently own anything, and I am here to see whether I might. All this being said, at least there appears to be a shooting sport that seems somewhat intriguing.
Welcome to the forum!

I can't speak for you, but I find Black Powder intensely interesting along with the history intimately connected. Also, there's something about shooting BP that's a lot more fun than other types of shooting. I can't say what it is or why, it just is.

Is there anything that interests you most? Pistols, Revolvers, Muskets, Percussion Rifles, Breech loaders...? Cannons?

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