My new matchlock arrived today

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40 Cal
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Las Vegas
I just took this out of the box. It is a 75 caliber smooth bore. I need to do a few things before I shoot it but so far it is perfect. I got this from Access Heritage who has been an amazing company to order from. I can’t recommend them enough.

Looks good. Lots of good times coming your way. Is the trigger guard OK or do you have to do some work there? And is the flash hole drilled? I like it.
The trigger is connected by a lever. You pull it back to lever the cord into the pan. It rests forward in the guard under spring tension.
That looks great! I got my early matchlock arquebus from Access for Christmas and need to prep her for when the temps climb back to the 40’s. Where did you get the powder horn if I may ask?
Matchlocks are fun - I'd suggest you wear natural fibre clothing when shooting - the sparks really get at synthetics!!
Bucks Co ,Will know he shot twice for NZ in MLAIC Internationals best ten of 13 under 30 minets OH at 55 yards & Kneeling 44 cal smooth bore Oct ex Dixie Snap lock . A local maker made another same style .Both stocked in Miro A native wood salvaged from an old church in Picton,a ferry port .I made one myself of that wood not as nice but do for me. I made my first respectable a 12 bore ex Wm Bader brl matchlock in 1976 common locked affair stocked in Beech & stained black . Churned out a lot since then .