Hi Jim,
The originals had a drop at heel of only 1.5" and drop at front of the comb of only 1 3/8". There were many complaints from the riflemen that the stocks were too straight. The complaints were sufficient that commanding officers asked for "bent" stocks. Supposedly, ordnance bent the stocks of some finished guns to respond to the complaints. Bailey writes that they steamed the stocks and bent them but the fix was only temporary and the stocks eventually returned to the original shape. However, British gunmakers commonly treated wrists with hot oil to permanently create cast off or more drop in stocks of sporting guns. I don't know if anyone has accurate records about what they actually did. I think TRS puts more drop in their stocks than the originals and I suspect they did that because very few would like the straight stocks of the originals unless you are built like a raccoon with no neck. I recently had an original pattern 1800 in my hands at Fort Ticonderoga and I did not like the fit of the gun at all because of the straight stock.