Howdy from the Piney woods of East Texas, lived up on the hi-Line 15 yr , hunted the Marias, Sweet Grass hills, East Front / Bob and down out of Ennis cowboy heaven and bear trap with stick loaders !
lets just do a quick historical review. On Lewis and Clark's trip into Montana they did encounter those bruins, using the firearms of the day they had it was recorded it took MANY shots at close range to finally stop the critters.
I did years ago for my GRRW Leman Trade Rifle (1975) got the Dixie mold , cast RBs very well, just use a wirecutter to trim off spur ! ( file pic , mine is a little cleaner)
Britsmoothy, If you are interested in early American history you would enjoy a visit to Colonial Williamsburg. Plan a few days because when we were there 2019 you have to know the schedule when the Gunsmith shop is open ! BUT
like others said you could spend all day just there !