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  1. Gtrubicon

    Is There Any Of You Guys That Use Vintage Tools When Building ML.

    Here is my 40’s vintage Atlas Craftsman lathe. She runs like a top. Just last week I used it to make a drill guide and depth gauge for building muzzleloaders.
  2. Gtrubicon

    Is There Any Of You Guys That Use Vintage Tools When Building ML.

    I use a lot of very old tools. This tool box was my great grandfathers, I have two like this. There are 10 total in the family chocked full of tools and old hardware. He was born in Lawrence Kansas in 1884. I also have his Athol vice and his 90lb anvil out in my big shop.
  3. Gtrubicon

    .45 Investarm Half Stock

    I’ve never seen one done up like that, looks like leather shrink wrap.
  4. Gtrubicon

    Cva mountain rifle

    Two screw patch box, round ram rod thimbles and barrel is stamped Spain.
  5. Gtrubicon

    Cva mountain rifle

    Most excellent purchase!
  6. Gtrubicon

    .45 Investarm Half Stock

    I have it bailing wired together!
  7. Gtrubicon

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    That is awesome, how much lighter is the 54 than the 50?
  8. Gtrubicon

    A young Powder Horn Maker

    That’s great! My son is 18, he loves working with his hands and is a natural. I just can’t get him interested in anything BP related. He loves to shoot and reload for the modern stuff, but won’t touch the fun stuff.
  9. Gtrubicon

    Exploding CVA barrel

    Why 120gn? That’s a7/8” barrel, seems quite heavy for the charge. Was this your normal charge? What brand and type powder did you use? It looks like there is some rust/corrosion on a portion of the fractured barrel.
  10. Gtrubicon

    Bought a Smoker

    This is porn for a fat guy!
  11. Gtrubicon

    .45 Investarm Half Stock

    I don’t know how to post a link, it was several different posts with pictures as I progressed through the project.
  12. Gtrubicon

    CVA mountain rifle

    The L&R lock was a piece of cake to install, minor inlet adjustment and removed a little wood for clearance of the sear. Honestly maybe 15 minutes of work for my gun. The lock performs flawlessly, it’s a major improvement over the factory lock. I highly suggest it.
  13. Gtrubicon

    NEW T/C Hawkens!

    Oh hell yeah on the Kibler hawken. How many of us have a TC Hawken? How many want a Kibler Hawken? Personally I wouldn’t make room in the safe for a new TC anything. I know how Kiblers are built and who builds them. That’s what I want.
  14. Gtrubicon

    How old are ya?

    I’m 48 years young.
  15. Gtrubicon

    What Remington 1858 to Buy?

    I have an Uberti, made in 2017. It’s the 8” model. I love it, I ring steel on my range at 75 yards, 12x16 plate. My Uberti has a dovetail front sight. This is a plus for me. I don’t believe the Pietta has this.
  16. Gtrubicon

    Bought a Smoker

    I always crank the heat at the end of the cook for chicken, I always smoke at 225 and finish at 375 for any chicken that has the skin on it.
  17. Gtrubicon

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    I got my buddys pistol all slicked up and ready. The loading lever needed a cheater bar to use it so I fixed that and touched up the bluing. Polished the internals, packed it with grease, shimmed the hammer and cleaned it up for him.
  18. Gtrubicon

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    My best friend was gifted a very early brass framed Uberti Navy when a close friend of his passed. He’s an avid gun guy but this is his first BP firearm. He asked for help so here we are. The action is very stiff, trigger also. So I disassembled it this morning and soaked all the parts in dawn...
  19. Gtrubicon

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Hey, at least your shooting, be thankful. I can’t wait till I can shoot again.
  20. Gtrubicon

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?
