I’ve had always used the sand bags & shooting block at the range. Then I found a rest from Buffalo arms and liked it. ( the one on the bottom is the one from Buffalo Arms.)
I asked the RSO what I should do, he told me to put the flag between the hammer and the frizzen (or nipple if I’m shooting my cap lock) and point the muzzle down range. We get a 2min warning before the range goes cold, which is enough time for me to discharge my rifle. I put the lock in half...
I unfortunately the governor in my State likes to pass laws by emergency powers. His party has a super majority and goes along with what ever he dictates.
I wouldn’t consider you a snob, to me a snob is someone who looks down their nose at people that use a different brand or method than they do. I’m like you, use whatever you like no judgment.
I don’t care if it’s cool or not, I use it in my cap guns and real black powder in my flintlock. There are even snobs in the real black powder crowd, weather you shoot Goex, Shootzen, Swiss or even home made ( which is another whole can of worms).