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  1. Togo

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Your lucky you jumped on the Colonial when you did because if I would have seen his post before you it would have been coming to my house, darn good price. Too good to scroll on by. I work 3rd shift so sometimes I miss out on the goodies.
  2. Togo

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Worked on my 54 Woodsrunner, 2 coats of Aquafortis, 2 coats of Laurel Mountain Sealer, 4 coats of Beck Flintlocks 18th Century wood finishing wax. Almost ready for blasting.
  3. Togo

    SOLD 58 lbs Soft Lead Ingots

    Yup, Justin keeps me blasting away.
  4. Togo

    SOLD 58 lbs Soft Lead Ingots

    I'll take it, thanks. PM inbound.
  5. Togo

    Wobbeling Hammer

    After talking to my buddy I found out he still has the wobble, he still hasn't addressed it.
  6. Togo

    Getting too many misfires

    I'm not sure what your cleaning habits are with the rifle, so at this point I would say to try some Triple 7, but that might not be the right answer either. I have a TC Cougar that was having ignition issues with Triple 7, all of my other cap guns love the stuff. I ended up using 3F Goex and the...
  7. Togo

    Wobbeling Hammer

    My buddy bought a small siler from Chambers, he also paid extra for the massage treatment. His lock also had a wobbly cock. I'll find out how he fixed his.
  8. Togo

    New KIbler Machine

    Great video!
  9. Togo

    Round Ball Tumbling With Graphite

    I just ordered a tumbler on Amazon, I'm going to give it a try. My vision sucks up close, so if I don't have to search for the sprue each time when loading, I think that will be an added benefit, and I shoot a lot during the warm months.
  10. Togo

    Round Ball Tumbling With Graphite

    I'm curious as to why it makes a difference in smoothbores.
  11. Togo

    SOLD 50 cal. Colonial extra fancy for sale

    That stock will be like shiny diamonds after Aquafortis and oil.
  12. Togo

    Weighing round balls

    I usually end up with a lot of .600's with quality issues when I'm casting, .395, .440, .490, .530 and .535 end up looking pretty nice.
  13. Togo

    Well, here’s my woodsrunner (pic heavy)

    Love that wood!!!
  14. Togo

    Goex. Is it still being made in 2024

    It's back, I bought a bunch of 3F last year in mid September at the Fall Nationals in Friendship Indiana. A truck with 1,800 pounds showed up.
  15. Togo

    SOLD T/C New Englander 12ga.

    I'll take it, PM sent.
  16. Togo

    Woodsrunner range day

    Gorgeous in the sun!
  17. Togo

    When Do You Use Your Vent Pick?

    Pick before every shot.
  18. Togo

    My three quarter scale Revolutionary War carriage.

  19. Togo

    Woodsrunner range day

    You did a great job, looks beautiful.
  20. Togo

    How do you prime?

    My trade gun gets the same 3F I use down the muzzle in the pan from the same horn. I'm not a fan of the "do-hickys" that are spring loaded and deliver 3-4 grains, they always seem to clog up in damp weather at matches. I have a horn that delivers a nice bead of 4f into the pan everytime. That's...