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  1. Togo

    Accounting for fowling shot when hunting

    My best and most accurate shot has always been the first out of a clean bore. I always run a dry patch down the bore before loading it.
  2. Togo

    Percussion cap shelf life

    I did the opposite, I haven't touched the inline I bought in the early 90 since buying my first percussion, a TC 58 Big Boar.
  3. Togo

    Percussion cap shelf life

    With a medication I take the empty bottles fit my percussion caps perfectly, each container will hold 7 tins. Keeps them high and dry.
  4. Togo

    GOEX update Q&A

    I ended up picking up 6 cans of 3f at Friendship. I shot the new GOEX two weekends ago, point of impact is exactly the same as the old GOEX.
  5. Togo

    And yet another Kibler SMR

    I'm done, I've already bought an SMR and a WR.
  6. Togo

    And yet another Kibler SMR

    Great job TDM, so your the one keeping Kibler afloat.
  7. Togo

    Another Balistol question

    I'm guessing it is the Teflon in it that adds the protection, your right my rifles unmentionables and ML's do not maintain an oily residue.
  8. Togo

    Another Balistol question

    I've had some bad experiences with it at rendezvous, especially in high humidity. After a day of shooting, I would do a good cleaning with soap and water along with some simple green for the bore, do a final wipe down with Balistol before hanging it up in the rack, the next morning a would have...
  9. Togo

    JoAnns #40 cotton drill

    I picked up a couple yards yesterday at my local JF. The gal that was helping me locate it couldn't find any. She called on an older lady that found it, she said nobody ever buys it anymore, she said a salon used to buy it for hair removal. Anyway the online price was $4.79, they had it listed...
  10. Togo

    SOLD 46 lbs. Soft Lead Ingots

    I'll take it, message sent.
  11. Togo

    Pillow ticking thickness

    This post got me curious about drill cloth so I went to my local Joans Fabric and picked up a couple yards, they had it listed for $8.99, the online price was $4.79 they were able to price match it, also the gal used a coupon on her phone that dropped my price to $5.07 out the door. It measured...
  12. Togo

    Goex 3F on GunBroker $65 a Pound

    Yikes! I bought 6 at Friendship, it was $144.
  13. Togo

    Plain Jane Woodsrunner bummer

    I does have a windage screw on the side
  14. Togo

    Plain Jane Woodsrunner bummer

    This peep might be the the ticket, it mounts to your tang screw. Send him a message
  15. Togo

    Kibler Colonial Lock Question

    Large but not extra large
  16. Togo

    Goex Upsetting Dealers

    I bought 6 3f's while I was there, the owner Karl K was hanging out at the magazine to greet folks and thank them for their purchase. I was literally down to my last horn full of Goex and dreading the transition to Swiss or Schuetzen in my rifles, I do use Schuetzen in my trade gun. At $24 a...
  17. Togo

    GOEX is Back!

    Just Friendship, IN
  18. Togo

    Goex Back in Production

    I bought 6 cans of GOEX 3F at Friendship, IN Saturday. Mr. Karl K thanked me for my GOEX purchase personally. It was $24 per
  19. Togo

    Blackpowder supply

    Graf & Sons free hazmat on orders of $150 or more and free shipping on orders over $99 its ends on the 14th