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  1. Stumpkiller

    Good Morning From Boca Raton, FL

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region. 1851 Colt "Confederate" Navy? Colt never made a "Confederate" version so it is likely a modern Pietta or Armi San Marko (CVA) fantasy piece. Does it have a brass frame? Still fun to shoot.
  2. Stumpkiller

    Hello from Winchester TN!

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  3. Stumpkiller

    Hello fellow Frontstuffers !

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  4. Stumpkiller


    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region. I believe the lettering says "Warranted". Similar to this example...
  5. Stumpkiller

    Not new

    Welcome back from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  6. Stumpkiller

    Hello From Barcelona - Catalonia

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  7. Stumpkiller

    Hello from Youngstown, OH.

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  8. Stumpkiller

    Hello from se Oklahoma

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  9. Stumpkiller

    Hello from New England/ Utah

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  10. Stumpkiller

    Hello yall!

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  11. Stumpkiller

    New member here living in Florida and moving to Tennessee in a few months.

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  12. Stumpkiller

    Hello from Mount Dora Florida

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  13. Stumpkiller

    Hello from East TN

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  14. Stumpkiller

    Dusting off my Hawken

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  15. Stumpkiller

    Howdy from Alaska

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  16. Stumpkiller

    New Here

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  17. Stumpkiller

    Southern Arkansas

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  18. Stumpkiller


    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  19. Stumpkiller

    New to Muzzleloading

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.
  20. Stumpkiller

    Hello from Kansas

    Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.