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  1. The Crisco Kid

    Taking a flintlock i to the RSA

    He mentions both Canada and the RSA in the OP.
  2. The Crisco Kid

    Taking a flintlock i to the RSA

    Check the Canadian definition of a firearm. I'm pretty sure muzzle loaders are within the definition but they don't need a permit. The best thing to do is to call Canada Customs and ask. You don't need any unpleasant surprises to ruin your trip.
  3. The Crisco Kid

    Bird shot in small quantities

    Ask around for people who reload shotgun shells. There's a bunch of them around these parts. They'd probably be glad to sell or give you small amounts. Ditto on the yard and estate sales. Just make sure the bag is tied shut! (I know about this!) I've also picked up a lot of lead in the form of...
  4. The Crisco Kid

    Smoothbore bedding

    The best thing for the OP to do is to find a piece of wood that is as close a match to the rest of the stock as possible and glue it in with a good epoxy. He can then re-inlet the barrel. It will show but at least it will look like an honest repair. Just filling a 1/4" gap with epoxy will always...
  5. The Crisco Kid

    Boiled Linseed Oil Finish?

    Anyone whose ever run a checkering tool across a stock knows that any claims to being a "deep penetrating" finish are balderdash. The only areas the stain or finish will really penetrate are the places with end grain. A powerful vacuum then pressure tank system works well but is expensive and...
  6. The Crisco Kid

    Favorite RB size for a .45

    .440's, .018 patch, and a coned muzzle. Easy to load and accurate to shoot.
  7. The Crisco Kid

    How far does spent patches go ?

    I use bright red Rit dye on some of my cotton drill patches when I'm working up loads for a new rifle. They are easy to spot. I dyed a half a yard or so of the material just for this purpose.
  8. The Crisco Kid


    It looks like a shooter to me. If you have any doubts, load it up with a hefty charge, tie it down to an old tire and pull the trigger with a long string while you hide behind a convenient tree. And please, quit using capitols, IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU'RE YELLING!
  9. The Crisco Kid

    An interesting test of gun lubes and protectors
  10. The Crisco Kid

    Cleaning patch question

    Sometimes the solution is a smaller jag. The patch, jag, and bore diameter all have to work together to get the right fit. I like a thick patch and smaller jag myself.
  11. The Crisco Kid

    Hawken repair question

    Some good photos would help if you can post them for us.
  12. The Crisco Kid

    TC Hawken

    The main complaint I have with the TC's is the bulky stock. Phil fixed that nicely! All it needs now is some more conventional looking sights!
  13. The Crisco Kid

    can’t decide about swapping stocks

    Could you rub a little charcoal in the carving to stain the grease?
  14. The Crisco Kid

    Re-vamp the site?

    Buy high and sell low. Make up the loses by doing a large volume. That's my theory. I still can't figure out why I ain't rich.
  15. The Crisco Kid

    'Bone Hardening' your ramrod

    Plus it gives a person something to do when there is nothing much else to do. Many folks these days can't even imagine having nothing to do they're so occupied with their devices, like us on the forum right now. I could be out in my shop as I write this boning a ramrod, but here I sit. 50 or so...
  16. The Crisco Kid

    SOLD LePage .45 cal.

    I have a friend who has an original Le Page 14 gauge smooth bore. I can see the similarities between his and the OP's.
  17. The Crisco Kid

    Sizing Die

    His tools sure do work for round balls. I have three of them.
  18. The Crisco Kid

    Sizing Die

    Are the Lee bullets designed to bump up and fill the grooves when they're fired?
  19. The Crisco Kid

    Sizing Die

    I've never used them since I'm a round ball shooter but I think that REAL is an acronym for Rifling Engraved At Loading which seems to me to indicate that they might be a little hard to get started, especially if the bullets aren't very soft. I wonder if a coned muzzle might be a "REAL" help?