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  1. S

    Gardening ..again

    Tiller woes set us back. Ol' Reliable Troy-Bilt Super Bronco died in the gearbox. $1300 bid to fix. Identical (now Craftsman) at Lowe's $999. Bought one. Week later, no reverse so return for another. Got home, gassed/oiled/started right up. No reverse again. Back-up cable very slack. Guessing...
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    Whats your favorite muzzleloader you own?

    Most fun is my 12 gauge flint fowler built by a deceased friend, too many others - both original and repo- to pick favorites. "Hackney" heavy-barrel target rifle is cool, but I've never shot it. Ithaca Hawken - most authentic of my "Hawkens" & shoots great. Then there's combo rifle/shotguns...
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    Sales of Firearms and Ammo at Flea Market

    Hard to say how this will play out. I think it was a Presidential Executive Order a few weeks back.
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    Rural us where we can pee off the porch without checking to see if anyone's watching. Make that the front porch. In the daylight. Regardless of your gender. Without hitting someone else's hound dog. That's "rural" (or you are a real sleaze).
  5. S

    Oxidized balls, think they will be a problem?

    It's really not a good idea to ingest lead in any form. At least you can see the white oxidation. I echo the previous poster - WD40 or similar and a towel will remove the visible white stuff if rubbed long enough. Applying "WD" or similar substances to old, loaded ammo is asking for trouble b/c...
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    Opinions about Jonathan Browning Mountain Rifle

    Warden & I bought them when they first came out. I killed several dozen deer with my .50 and shot it nearly weekly in our local M/L league. Went through 3 replacement mainsprings, at that point, the man who bought out the remaining supply (supposedly) said he had only one left. Two replacement...
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    Newby Flintlock questions

    Word of caution loading single-shot M/L pistols - "loading stands" (the type that holds the pistol upright) can place undue pressure on the wrist of single-shot sidelock pistols if you "hammer" or really forcibly seat a ball/load while the pistol is in the stand. This can crack the stock...
  8. S

    Gardening ..again

    Agreed ! Management's almost legendary around here for homemade canned things. Brown truck delivery folks, road grader guy, mailman, dumpster dumper, ...everybody gets something whether it be jelly, saurkraut, salsa, ..or the dreaded cantaloupe. Ozempic's supposed to make people lose weight, but...
  9. S

    How do you prep your C&B revolver for an outing?

    My bad. 25 years ago, I completed the Remington L.E. armorer school where the instructor touted Rem-Oil's benefits. My post, is, obviously, in error. My apologies to all. Now that I think more about the issue, it had to do with my experience with another canned lubricant that did not withstand...
  10. S

    Gardening ..again

    Management (wife) should buy 'em by the case, but no, every year it's the same thing.."Im out of lids and jars, so go find some." Jellies/jams start with dandelion jelly, ended with paw-paws. She had so many cantaloupes last year people would close their curtains and not answer the door when we...
  11. S

    Gardening ..again

    Finally! A break in the weather, new tiller. Max the bassett hound tracking bunnies nicely. We nearly finished 1 1/2 acres last night before a nice rain that's been coming off and on since (just enough to soak in, stop awhile, then a little more). Won't bore with what's planted, stuff coming up...
  12. S

    How do you prep your C&B revolver for an outing?

    Nothing different, really. Rem Oil is synthetic, won't get gummy in cold weather as do the kerosene/petroleum-based lubricants, so a wipe-down of excess works for me. If the gun gets wet, it gets thoroughly cleaned at the end of the day. I have yet to shoot an entire cylinder on any deer hunt...
  13. S

    Have you bought?

    Bought and wore out a Jonathan Browning Mountain Rifle. Accurate. Fit me perfectly. Not HC nor a copy of anything old-timey. Killed deer every season until it started eating mainsprings and there were none to be found. Shot weekly M/L matches. Can't estimate how many shots. So..yes. Tingle...
  14. S

    Preference poll: smoothbore or rifled?

    Been shooting ml shotguns over 60 years, rifles and pistols a coupla years shorter. It's all still fun. Flint, percussion, rifle, pistol, shotgun. When it's no longer fun, I'm done. I'm shooting from cans of powder older'n some folks on this forum.
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    Gardening ..again

    Worms are a sign of healthy soil. Lack of worms ...several things harm them - over tilling, lack of vegetable matter, pesticides, overly dry, etc. They can be bought over the internet in bulk, caught at night with a flashlight, electrocuted, picked up on sidewalk after a rain, etc. I used to...
  16. S

    Tiny priming flasks??

    Sykes is a famous maker - contemporary of Dixon & others. Grandmother's maiden name was Sykes.
  17. S

    Gardening ..again

    Finally dried out enough to "garden" today. Management & I put up fence panels for tomatoes, pole beans, and Lima beans. Critters are raiding of a night. Read articles about "clover lawns", supposedly give bunnies alternative to cabbage, strawberries, etc. Percussion 12 bore is my solution...
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    Cane Cannon

    Now, if a man had a lit cigar or a Kool, walking alone down a dark alley .....armed with such a fine thing...he may die of cancer late in life but surely his legend would live long among the crack heads. Neat project. Drill 'er through, fire it off and please post photos. I like it very much.
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    Pretty good haul for Missouri's squirrel opener

    Glad to hear someone got to go 'cause we got tied up in the rain fiasco. Unfortunately I did get my first deer of the year with my 350 Super Duty pulling a 5th wheel camper. Bald Eagle feeding on it yesterday morning. Squirrels might get popped tomorrow. Congratulations on your success!
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    Percussion cap tins

    Might be the reason there really are a goodly number of cap tins found with some caps still inside. I had/have a few well over 75 years old with at least a few caps remaining. "Goldmark", etc.