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  1. sturmkatze

    How do you prime?

    Which issue was that in? I don’t always look at the mash as I get the electronic version. Hard on my phone. No excuse, but I’d sure like to read that article.
  2. sturmkatze

    How do you prime?

    I use a doohickey. I have one on a lanyard with flint tools. Usually one pump.
  3. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. You assume it would be easy for @James Kibler to just turn on the computer and punch out your gun. It’s not. TENS (it hundreds) OF HOURS of CAD drawing… making parts. Working out how to get the kit to work. For what? A few sales. You’re sounding so spoiled and...
  4. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    Making a whole NEW kit would be a nightmare. It takes him a lot of work to develop the kits. Is not as simple as punching a button. People don’t get that. You’re talking an immense amount of work for very little return. Doesn’t that sounds entitled to you?
  5. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    I’m sure that you’ll find something to buy. @James Kibler will continue on doing what he’s doing. I’m sorry that this doesn’t work for you… there needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.
  6. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    So, you’re feeling entitled. Go buy a kit from some other place and make it yourself. If I were @James Kibler I’d put you on a “do not sell to” list “…
  7. sturmkatze

    time machine

    They’d love it
  8. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    Right. A lot of it stems from you being a gun builder before. How did you get into cnc? I know that took some doing.
  9. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    Not only are they expensive, but you have to know how to do the drawings in the machine and program it. Plus, know WHAT the stuff looks like to draw it. Kibler was an awesome gunsmith before he started this.
  10. sturmkatze

    Kibler side effect?

    Hah. My one truck was $250. The car I drive now, a 2001 vw beetle was $75 delivered to my shop with 75k miles…. I won’t have a new car. Not a good value.
  11. sturmkatze

    time machine

    Lot of good there. Now a lot bad leadership. New York is far worse.
  12. sturmkatze

    time machine

    It would be neat to have done tiny drone to record videos of events and battles in history. Don’t need to live the privations and pain and easy death then.
  13. sturmkatze

    time machine

    I’d love to live there when it was still great… up until, really, about 2006… then it really started sinking. Was bad 10 years before, but now.. no
  14. sturmkatze

    time machine

    Twilight Zone… that’s why. I’m not really into those.
  15. sturmkatze

    time machine

    No thank you. I’ll start here. I wouldn’t mind living the 80s and 90s over again 😜
  16. sturmkatze

    time machine

    Where is that?
  17. sturmkatze

    Beware Etsy! Atten. Sellers/buyers

    Never had any problems buying off Etsy. A couple on eBay that were mostly taken care of. Still… I don’t have checks. I do play with PayPal and stuff. To each their own.
  18. sturmkatze

    Original 1766 Musket

    Right. If I were unethical, I could have sold the Bess as real.
  19. sturmkatze

    Which Rifle?

    It can be. Do a LOT of reading and listen less to the internet experten and keyboard warriors. Do not get in a hurry.
  20. sturmkatze

    Which Rifle?

    No, he doesn’t. A huge wait for a pile of rough cast parts. Not if he’s not done that before.