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  1. bldtrailer

    Who is going to Kempton?

    :thumb: I'm local and I'm giving gun flint knapping demos all weekendJust a reminder Dixon's will not be at the show, BUT they will be OPEN all weekend:thumb:
  2. bldtrailer

    Traditions lock reliability improvements?

    for all that have traditions locks Brad at cabin creek said he works on them to make them work right Cabin Creek Muzzle Loading 50 W Beaver St, Hallam, PA 17406 · 60 mi (717) 757-5841
  3. bldtrailer

    Kempton Gun Makers Fair

    do a search of hamburg and lenhartsville pa camping in the area at robin hill, blue rocks , and bed and breakfast in the hawk mountain area
  4. bldtrailer

    2024 Gunmakers Fair at Kempton Seminar/Demo Schedule this might help seminars recorded last year
  5. bldtrailer

    2024 Gunmakers Fair at Kempton Seminar/Demo Schedule

    yes go to kempton gun makers fair search, on you tube / on gun building , there are several
  6. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    all flint/chert is silica (glass, sand) it's the surrounding minerals that makes the color
  7. bldtrailer

    Ever shoot a loading rod down range? You tell me........... I won't rat you out !

    not yet but it's like dry balling it can happen to everyone
  8. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    just know there is a very low return at first, you're doing well if you get 20% a lot of rock smashing
  9. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    I use cut rest. gloves but there will still be blood / safety glasses are a MUST flint in eye is more than a bad day⛑️ ⛑️
  10. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    I don't need to heat treat Georgetown
  11. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    if you want to heat treat here's your guy
  12. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    chert(USA flint) forms in limestone and should /may have a white chalky cortex/covering. This is Texas Georgetownchip off some 1 try to scratch glass (hardness 5 , flint 7 Dimond 10) not your Xs windshield 2 strike with a file flat to see if it sparks 3 try to cleave it into a gun flint size 4...
  13. bldtrailer

    Pocket drill cloth at Joann's

    3rd store still no #40 pocket drill plenty of bull denim waiting for a lower price 25% off now
  14. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    I make gun flints from both blades and flakes both work , just make sure your flake isn't too thin (some rock does not want to make blade cores)
  15. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping? watch these it might help
  16. bldtrailer

    I have this barrel.🤔

    if you need parts try
  17. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    ishie stick blades are thinner , antler punch blades can be thicker by moving point away from edge. or use a larger bonker
  18. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    some of your rock look ok some with freeze cracks the middle one should flake a blade down it's ridge line some might make blade cores use copper or brass hammers not steal ( it will shatter the rock) antler and hammer stones soft to hardexpect low return mostly waist can be fun and addicting
  19. bldtrailer

    Flint knapping?

    1st see if you can scratch glass with it flint hardness 7 glass 5 diamonds 10 2nd see if it will spark use the flat of a file 3rd try to flake it/cleave it into usable shapes gun flint size 4th put it in a lock and with safety glasses on fire it to see if it shatters (try several times) I use...