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  1. C

    SOLD Early unfired Uberti 1861 Colt Navy by Liberty Arms Corp.

    Believe I read once upon a time way back that Uberti did manufacture revolvers for Liberty.
  2. C

    Grease or Oil on the Arbor

    Sometimes 'googling' on the web will bring results ten light years from what you want. All depends on the choice of words you enter. Even on this forum and others, at times I know there is info sitting in cyber space on the forum but will bring up topics remote from what I want and/or state no...
  3. C

    To much is made of short arbors

    🥱😴 And so on it goes, thee Ol he says she says. I've been ignoring this thread for a while, did read all of the posts but I'll say what IMO needs to be said. I've been saying this for along time both here and on the CAS Forum. I know you have Mike, both here, on the CAS Forum, and another...
  4. C

    Favorite cap, Uberti 1851, 158s, 1860s?

    10-4. Haven't heard from MAKO in a long time. PM'd and emailed with him both a few times after he left CAS Forum. Wonder where he '"forum's" now if any. Possibly under a new handle. IMO he got a raw deal at the CAS forum in a disagreement with several other members who were out of line in their...
  5. C

    Favorite cap, Uberti 1851, 158s, 1860s?

    My all time favorite and what I recommend if asked are Remington #10's. Do so as of all of the big three (Rem, CCI, RWS) the Rem 10's fit the nipples/cones the best and for the most part stay on the nipple after firing and are easily removed. Its been so long since I've had anything fall into...
  6. C

    To much is made of short arbors

    The why and how to determine and fix a short arbor has been going on for a long time. Things will quiet down, then another post gets it going again. Same thing on other forums I visit. All a person needs to do is visit the search function and archive's and you'll get the same do this and do...
  7. C

    Loading a 1858 with 1-2F powder?

    Interesting post Old Grunt. Have always heard that Swiss and Shutzen gave higher velocities than Goex. Long range rifle boys say they like better. Graf's is Shutzen in a Graf bottle. I played around once shooting 2F and 3F in a Walker, 2nd Mod Dragoon and 1860 Army (all 44's of course) using...
  8. C

    Is This Worth It?

    Have never read the book. In the movie can't recall either what Deets was carrying. Pea Eye and Newt both carried Colt 1860 size frame conversions. Can't recall anyone with a percussion revolver but there could possibly have been, has been awhile since I've watched any of the Call and Gus...
  9. C

    Is This Worth It?

    Welllll......Check out some of the scenes from Lonesome Dove. In the bar scene where Gus whacks the 'surly' bartender with his revolver that sure looks like a Walker or its the first Dragoon with that long of a barrel, loading lever style, and the arbor wedge entering into the right side of the...
  10. C

    Is This Worth It?

    10-4 on Cimarron current sale price of $733. Also if ya read the description Cheaper has (also Cimarron) it states, indicates that both Call and Woodrow carried a Walker in the movie Lonesome Dove. Call may have carried a Walker in some of the movies made on their previous lives, I can't recall...
  11. C

    Picked up an old N.O.S. Uberti 3rd Dragoon

    I said my piece Mike, Not going to get into a cyber-space argument with ya that you seem to relish when someone disagrees with you. You always sure get riled when someone disagrees with your methods or your knowledge that others disagree with. Noticed ya tossed in one of your on-line zippers to...
  12. C

    Picked up an old N.O.S. Uberti 3rd Dragoon

    Kinda/Sorta!!!! I've ran and do run my cap revolvers just as fast with no need of posts and shields, although I do some fine tuning. Yer a great smith Mike and have always enjoyed your posts. You've been helpful to all, but alot of your posts are an advertisement for business. Some on the CAS...
  13. C

    Picked up an old N.O.S. Uberti 3rd Dragoon

    On all of my Uberti and Pietta revolvers #10 Rems and #11 CCI's fit tight without having to force or pinch the caps. Never have a problem with them falling into the action, thus no need for cap post or any other this and that that some 'say you need'. If proper nipples and caps are used you can...
  14. C

    Why are the bottom of some Uberti grip frames (Colt Dragoon) not parallel to the barrel? (and can this be fixed?)

    No intention of being insulting or chasing off new members, in fact never looked at when he joined or his post count. In other words what you're saying is that no matter what someone posts all members of the forum are supposed to agree with an OP? That 2.5% angle is the first I've ever heard or...
  15. C

    Why are the bottom of some Uberti grip frames (Colt Dragoon) not parallel to the barrel? (and can this be fixed?)

    Well if so, ie the grip frame being off 2.5*, I've never noticed or paid attention to it and no going to worry about it. I can go from shooting a Dragoon to a 51' to a Army '60, back to a Dragoon, to a Walker with no deviation in how I hit my target. In fact I can go from any 1800 era revolver...
  16. C

    .36 or .44?

    No offense nick, but you have no idea what you're talking about. As you posted, you have no idea where I live or the situational issues. I don't fear anyone is out to get me. I don't live with daily fear, but I don't take my guard down either. I made alot of people unhappy to the fact they...
  17. C

    Flints Back IN Stock

    Track was out of both popular sizes Black English and French Amber until just recently for the last 30-45 days. August 30th they sent me an email advising the French Amber were back in stock and Sept 9 they got the Blk English in. Alot of outlets have been really low on popular sizes and/or out...
  18. C

    SOLD 58 lbs Lead Ingots

    Ummmm! Considering it. All of the soft lead I bought from you Justin tested in the 5-6 BHN range, makes great balls and soft bullets for black powder. I do cast bullets for .357/44/45 Colt/45 acp handguns plus some military surplus bolt rifles so the harder lead could be used. If a tad too soft...
  19. C

    .36 or .44?

    Good grief, an Army model in 44 with 25-30 grains of 3F is a pooch shooter, not much recoil. The Dragoons with 40-43 grains doesn't have that much recoil. The Walker unless yer trying to be the Elmer Keith of percussion revolvers holding it to 50 grains isn't that bad and very manageable.
  20. C

    Flints Back IN Stock

    In case anyone's wanting to buy flints, Track of the Wolf has both Black English and French Amber back in stock. Also Kibler's advised me several weeks ago that they were expecting an order of flints soon. Talked with them Fri (9-8) and was advised they had just got them in.