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  1. akroguy

    Fixed the miss fire issue. CVA Mountain Rifle

    GREAT barrels on those guns. My GPR barrel was rough as 60 grit Charmin in the bore. My St. Louis Hawken loads slicker than snail snot.
  2. akroguy

    Safe edge on a file

    It can be ground off but be careful not to overheat it which can change the temper.
  3. akroguy

    Cutting large chunks of lead

    Are you talking about the metal we use to make bullets or Jerry Nadler? Just trying to clarify.....
  4. akroguy

    Maybe a Cheaper way out?

    The barrel on my Traditions St. Louis Hawken is superb. It's a tack driver and loads smooth and easy from round one. The rest is craptastic but it goes bang just fine. There is nothing really wrong with these guns. I actually prefer shooting it vs. my GPR (I know, heresy...) but the...
  5. akroguy

    SOLD 1855 springfield musket , armisport , 720.00 shipped

    It's a faux Maynard. Neat gun though....hmmm... I don't need another ACW musket...he says to himself...
  6. akroguy

    1861 Springfield hammer adjustment

    MY Armi Sport 1861 is 5/8" at half and 1 1/8" at full. I just run it at full cock. Ground the butt, load, bring up to the waist and bring hammer back briskly to full cock, strip off the spent cap, seat a cap, shoulder, aim and fire. If not immediately going to shoot, I remove the cap. The...
  7. akroguy

    First Flinter.

    A sharp flint and a dry bore before you load and it'll go boom. Have fun!
  8. akroguy


    Fantastic barrels on those. The locks are just ok, the rest of the stuff is fine. My St Louis Hawken was dead nuts on at 25 from the first shot. .490 ball with 60 gr 2F.
  9. akroguy

    Recent Pricing & Avaiblity

    There might be a Richmond musket on gunbroker now. A couple 61 repros as well. I’d take a decently cared for used Italian military musket over a newly produced one. My Mississippi rifle made by Zoli in 1964 is amazing. Older is gooder!🤪
  10. akroguy

    Two vent holes?? Whats up here?

    Much like the marginally successful design of the human female: The intake is too close to the exhaust.
  11. akroguy

    Musket nipples fit on sporting type long guns?

    Yes indeed. I put a musket nipple on my GPR and the hammer face is sufficiently centered to clear the cap. Each rifle has to be evaluated for suitability for this option.
  12. akroguy

    .44 Cal RBs

    These are .44 caliber weapons so naturally, .433 would roll right out. .451 and/or .454 RB's are pretty much a given for .44 caliber C&B revolvers. I've used .454 in all .44 revolvers I've owned with great results.
  13. akroguy

    FNG from Colorado

    Howdy from down south in New Mexico.
  14. akroguy

    You never know what you’ll find in the truck!!

    Spit dammit, spit! Or whip out yer dipstick as Sussex says.... The one in the truck...I must emphatically state again.
  15. akroguy

    GOEX back in stock

    Got an email from PowderValley that GOEX is in stock. I don't need any but if you do, go get it! Not cheap, but nothing is. That is all.
  16. akroguy

    SOLD Traditions Percussion Kentucky Rifle 50cal

    Please post a picture with a piece of paper showing name and date next to the item to prove ownership.
  17. akroguy

    Visit to the Gun Works in Springfield OR

    And, do you hunt them with a squirrel rifle or a fowler? was so inclined...
  18. akroguy

    Pedersoli Availability?

    The Traditions barrels are damn good. I have a St. Louis Hawken kit that I threw together many years ago and man that thing drives tacks. I can't shoot my supposedly higher quality GPR any better and the Trad fits me better. It's lighter, as well.