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  1. Larry (Omaha)

    WITHDRAWN Candle Lantern made by Larry (Omaha). $90 + shipping

    Made two of these 35 or 40 years ago. 1 is for sale. Wood is Mansonia, dowels are lumber yard wood stock Brass items made out of sheet brass, less hinges, door lock, and wire handle Small pegs come out to remove the top. The brass eye has vertical extension that locks the door...
  2. Larry (Omaha)

    Has anyone tried to make Wedge keys for barrels?

    Making a barrel key is simple. All it takes is material, ball peen hammer, hack saw, vice, and a file. Larry This key head is not finished off.
  3. Larry (Omaha)

    Frizzen Face Texture

    I will buy the frizzen bounce, but what is causing bounce? That is a new frizzen term to this old fart. When my frizzens get choppy, grooved or shoddy I grind them back smooth like Phil said. Most work well, but some are better than others. So, what causes frizzen bounce? Larry
  4. Larry (Omaha)

    Does anyone make/sell something like a snap cap cone to dry fire a revolver?

    Make your own. Take a plumbing rubber washer/gasket and either stick to the hammer or nipples. Leather also works, just have to make sure you don't use the softener if or when it may compress down and not protect. Larry.
  5. Larry (Omaha)

    Finishing a walnut stock...

    Don't know about that mixture, but I would not put any more coats of finish untill you cure up the sticky. I use polymerized tung oil. No muss no fuss. Good luck Larry
  6. Larry (Omaha)

    Lock coming loose during shooting.

    Wood shrinks and shi_ also happens. Make sure your wood base is parellel to the lock plate when fully in place. If it is not, you can get a teeter totter effect. Might have to shim a tad or remove a small bump. If the machine screws are properly threaded all you should need is to snug them...
  7. Larry (Omaha)

    Hello from OK!

    Welcome from Nebraska. If you are ignorant of flintlocks? (we all were at one time) Do yourself a favor, and ask the members here about what you want to purchase before you own it. A good flintlock rifle is a hoot. A poor flintlock will be frustration, waste of time, and a big PIA Larry
  8. Larry (Omaha)

    Patch fabric

    Blue or red striped pillow ticking. 100% cotton. Larry
  9. Larry (Omaha)

    Exploding CVA barrel

    Soling, With all respect to you and your intentions to make sure your gun was safe: I was always told that a test is good, but the barrel metal and breech plug need to be examined and or tested by a metallurgist to verify the integrity of the tested items was not compromised. Just...
  10. Larry (Omaha)

    Gunsmith Who Can Thread Barrel

    ThompsonNC, Call Ken! He made my 48", 62 cal smoothbore barrel. Don't know for sure if he can do what you want, but he is a super nice person to do business with. Larry
  11. Larry (Omaha)

    Exploding CVA barrel

    Don't really know what happened there, but happy to hear you are OK. If the ball was too easy without a patch, maybe it rolled up the barrel and then caused a barrel obstruction. Just a thought. Larry
  12. Larry (Omaha)

    Controversial question. Short rodding a patched ball.

    Eric, Oviously you would not have fired it had you known ahead of discharge. Since you got lucky, how did you know that the short start did occur? Was the discharge sound different? Larry
  13. Larry (Omaha)

    If you had only two choices.

    Respectfully, Why would one need 9 grooves in a 32 caliber? Tell me the benefit/ reason of 9 and then I will know how to answer your question. Larry
  14. Larry (Omaha)

    If you had only two choices.

    I am just guessing, but if you had a 32 cal with 9 grooves that would be way too many. Larry
  15. Larry (Omaha)

    How heavy is too heavy?

    The GA barrel is 54 cal and 1" accross the flats. Larger bore would not work for this barrel with 100gr charges. thanks Larry
  16. Larry (Omaha)

    How heavy is too heavy?

    All men and women are not created equal when it comes to strength. I toted a 10 pound 44" barrel when I was young. No way today. Just do a little dry fire of about 10 to 20 shots. If your arms are not two foot longer, it will probable work for you. Lots of luck Larry
  17. Larry (Omaha)

    what brand barrel?

    Wow!!!!! You make up tough questions. I have a mixture of barrel brands and they all seem very good to me. My first barrel was a Numrich and it is a $48 tack driver. Early 70s bought the 45 cal for 48 bucks. My friends shootin with me then were using Numrich. My second barrel is a Golden Age...
  18. Larry (Omaha)

    Flint knapping help

    I am not flint knapper, used flint touch up yes. What I know about knapping takes a antler and pressure to flake the flint. A real pro could fix that flint for some more use. That flint is beyond touch up. You and I need to pitch it. JMO Larry
  19. Larry (Omaha)

    Tang screw"s" & torque

    I am with Rich Pierce and ZUG. Larry
  20. Larry (Omaha)

    Suggestions for bag flap closure?

    Piece of sheet lead, sewn or glued on the inside. This will stiffen it more like a door also. Works well on mine. Larry