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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Larry (Omaha)


    Nicely made cooking iron set. $100 + shipping 1 triangle to set on 3 verticals for a grate 1 poker/ fork 3 verticals that interlock 1 Sheperds bar 2 S hooks to hang 1 rifle stand Sorry for the rubber hose! :eek: That is the way I received it...
  2. Larry (Omaha)

    TC Senica lock

    Ike, A photo and a lock brand would be a huge help to get you some answers. Larry
  3. Larry (Omaha)

    Heavy duty way to place barrel keys in.

    I am not going to bad mouth or put anyone down. This guy is happy as a lark and enjoying his build, and good for him. Video shows the way he inserts barrel keys in the escutcheons. I am pretty sure he will not need barrel key retainer pins. Larry
  4. Larry (Omaha)


    Welcome from Omaha! My wife is 100% Polish. Go Poland! :thumb: Larry
  5. Larry (Omaha)

    Do You Actually Use Your Expensive Custom Guns or Keep Them as Safe Queens?

    IF one has historical museum material anything, I feel it should be preserved for future generations. A super nice custom rifle to me, does not fall into that category. I have some nice rifles I am proud to show, but I shoot them. I got into this sport to shoot and shoot I do. Larry
  6. Larry (Omaha)

    Wanted - parts Need someone to reassemble a percussion lock for me.

    Make sure your wear safety glasses. If it gets loose it can do damage. Larry
  7. Larry (Omaha)

    Well I will tell ya...

    Reminds me of the time a land owner we rented from made a comment after we told him he couldn't have his grandaughter on the back side of target berm. He said "they are just muzzleloaders"!! We quit our rent with that stupid landowner. Larry
  8. Larry (Omaha)

    Screwdriver for Siler lock top jaw screw

    Most hardwares I have seen ( I live in Omaha) never have a tip that is wide enough. Thickness yes! I like my screwdriver tips to extend the full lenght of the screw slot. Sidelock and hammer screws have a good size slot length. Larry
  9. Larry (Omaha)

    Screwdriver for Siler lock top jaw screw

    I had that need this Spring. I just took a old no good chisel and ground it down, being careful not to overheat and ruin the temper. I also put a wood handle on it in the shape of a screwdriver. Easy peasy. Larry
  10. Larry (Omaha)

    English lock build

    I am no expert, but made my 48" barreled smoothie out of Cherry and to me it shapes and cuts similar to Walnut. It may appear a little more stringy, but sharp tools are essential for any wood. JMO Larry
  11. Larry (Omaha)

    Woodsrunner on the Way!

    I really feel sorry for you Smokey! Too bad it is going to your address instead of mine.😂 Larry
  12. Larry (Omaha)

    I am Interested in making muzzle loaders the old way. Need advice how to.

    All the more power to you. My suggestion is to read, study, and read some more. Start your apprenticeship by making some smaller gun parts. Make them so they could go on a rifle you would eventually build. Good luck! Larry
  13. Larry (Omaha)

    Poor man’s guns

    Cigarette sales counter! Larry
  14. Larry (Omaha)

    Poor man’s guns

    A poor man's gun is when he spent all his cash for the dream of his life and now he is poor 😂 Larry Sorry, just had to do that
  15. Larry (Omaha)

    Ruggle Patent Underhammer by Rod Olsen

    Dave, WTG:thumb: Your RO underhamer builder is one of my best friends. I met Rod in the early 70s at a ML shoot. I have two of his, one a 45 cal and then a brass barrel/receiver one in 36 cal. He is 82 years old and one heck of a gunsmith. He now makes the barrels including the...
  16. Larry (Omaha)

    FOR SALE or trade

    David, Don't forget your name and date in the photo. The mods can nix your add. Larry
  17. Larry (Omaha)

    New to smoothbore and what I like for a RB loading charge

    Smokey Plainsman, Thank you. I make my own, along with the escutcheons. Really, they are not hard to make. A chunk of flat steel cut to width and lenght, a vice, a ball peen hammer and file. Larry
  18. Larry (Omaha)

    Shootin " Ye Ole N.W. Gun " a bit

    No way! You must be talking about your neighbor!! Larry 😂