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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. F

    .375 prb's out of a .40?

    For what good reason, would a person want to do so?
  2. F

    T/C Under New Management

    Very old news, do not count on TC returning to the days of old.
  3. F

    Pine needle hat

    That is truly unique.
  4. F

    where can i buy used black powder revolvers?

    Does it make a difference why? The OP asked for assistance is all, not conjecture.
  5. F

    Rogers & Spencer review

    Problem is, there are no parts to be had.
  6. F

    Rogers & Spencer review

    Why not have one sleeved, ROA's have been to .36.
  7. F

    Ruggle Patent Underhammer by Rod Olsen

    I have one in .45 with a 3.5" browned barrel.
  8. F

    NMLRA national shoot

    Go and enjoy your time there. You will like it. At the dining facility you can get three meals a day if you wish, instead of cooking. The food is good. We stay in a motel as the wife does no like community bathrooms and showers. Bring everything you need, there is only a small grocery store...
  9. F

    SOLD Lined Portmanteaus

    Very nice workmanship. fdf
  10. F

    Hunters Who Are NMLRA Members

    Membership is down to 9,000,, and in only 2 years.
  11. F

    To Bounce or not to Bounce

    Forrest Gump coms to mind.
  12. F


  13. F


    Geez, just post his name and be done with it!
  14. F

    Were mzldrs and revolvers cleaned back in the day, as we do today?

    If they were cleaned as today, more would have survived and not so many would have to had the barrels to be re-freshed.
  15. F

    Proper nipple for muzzleloader

    Call Log Cabin.
  16. F

    SOLD Large Round ball bag

    You continue to do nice work.
  17. F

    Fort Worth New Member

    There is a Dallas Club that shoots monthly. The TMLRA state shoot starts 04 June in Brady.
  18. F

    Do you name the guns that you build?

    Naming inanimate objects; 1,692 times this has been asked before.
  19. F

    Cylinder Loading Tool

    I have one from Powder Inc. and it works perfect with no problems. Much better than loading on the frame. Most line shooters use them.