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  1. Crawfish

    Hello from Suffolk, UK

    Welcome from Georgia!
  2. Crawfish

    32 Caliber Kibler Southern Mountain Rifle

    looking good! I know you will enjoy it!
  3. Crawfish

    Best value flintlock

    In my opinion, a used one in good condition will serve you very well. I have a used Investarms Hawken, and a TC Hawken I built from a kit. Both are nice looking, and shoot better than I can. You can learn a great deal at less cost to you. Easily sellable if you don’t like them-watch how fast...
  4. Crawfish

    The Kibler Ash SMR, or WKU Round Two

    Great job! A beautiful rifle! And love that vent pick !
  5. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    I am selling my model airplane engines on eBay to finance my BP addiction
  6. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Globe front sight is on my list! I am really trying to get rifle sighted in to the best I can do. I can pop of tang sight pretty fast.
  7. Crawfish

    Hopkins and Allen Heritage

    Let us know how it goes. I’ve wanted to get a kit for a long time
  8. Crawfish

    Rust bluing with LMF browning solution ?

    You did a fine job on that! Well done!
  9. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Did not like the original Hawken sights, so I switched.
  10. Crawfish

    Hello from Wales

    Welcome from Georgia! Scots-Irish myself
  11. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Thanks everyone, for the suggestions!
  12. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Looks a little low rent, but so do I. As to whether or not it works, as they say in the South, “I’m fixin’ to find out”!
  13. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Or big pliers! I’ll try it out and see how it works! hoping recoil will not be a problem. it may just be another failed experiment, but fun doing-and it might just work!
  14. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Ha, I can hear the things jumping off the bench and pinging into the magnets! At least no more lost Allen wrenches!
  15. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    I took a piece of the cardboard, modified it a bit, and stuck it on with magnets. Easily removeable. I’ll make one from the copper, experiment with it. Magnets won’t look any worse than the peep sight does.
  16. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    I do have a lot of super magnets I use on my model planes
  17. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    I am ok as a solderer, but no Ace. Anything special needed to solder on to front sight dovetail? It will take a lot of heat to get that dovetail area hot enough, I think
  18. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    Masking tape photo just for effect, loop in practice must be much shorter
  19. Crawfish

    Making a front sight shade for my Hawken

    I bit the bullet and put a Lyman peep sight on my T/C Hawken. I don’t like the way it looks, but I can see the difference in group size. I put a German silver front sight on it, which looks great. However, if the sun is at the right angle, the sight looks like a super nova. I tried soot, and...
  20. Crawfish

    My Kibler Colonial is coming along...

    Wonderful job, nice work on the carving, your practice shows! Very good looking rifle.