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  1. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Every day I get better and better at 40 yards
  2. G

    How old are ya?

    Oh so glad to hear from you Erwan, it’s been a long time . I keep looking at french houses. I found the people on the west coast so kind and friendly, not so Paris or the Med, I cannot wait to come again in my Rapido , but I need a permit to carry , I’ll bring you some lead, but french flint...
  3. G

    How old are ya?

    53 born in 1943 sat here most of day with 177 pcp, this big rat is so fast, but I’ll get him. Ha ha if I used BP my final days would be probably in prison. This is England the old country. You have to make the best of things . And no no rat hunting with bow and arrow allowed either It can...
  4. G

    How old are ya?

    Lovely old farts
  5. G

    How old are ya?

    I went for blond from a bottle, it seemed a good idea to get married, 55 years later I suppose I chose wisely, but don’t they now drone on.
  6. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    I did something like that but broke an old 11/16” bsf thread tap , turning 28 bore shotgun barrels into muzzle loading barrels to fit my .36 rifle stock . Ordered a modern tap 9 sep delivery
  7. G

    How old are ya?

    How many of you can play the banjo
  8. G

    How old are ya?

    90 well done , that’s 9 years away for me. Yup 81 last 22 March Body starting to fall apart , cancer under control with tablets and infusion, tooth fillings falling out, toes hurt, right leg feels a bit numb, but still got hair not white yet The list of jobs around the place get longer...
  9. G

    How old are ya?

  10. G

    Using Modern Barrels for a muzzleloading shotgun?

    Hello seems you know your stuff. I won some 28b shotgun barrels at Holts uk auction. £265, expensive but rare find. As new and unchambered ?? good as chopper lump barrels , no maker or proof . They are very light at 2.7lbs , my .36 double rifle barrels are 7 lbs. Rather make a whole new...
  11. G

    How heavy is too heavy?

    Not all is lost , I use 24lb hoyt limbs fine for 40 yards , also have 34 & 48lb limbs but never use them . 48 lbs. No thanks Look up compound bow shooting , you hook up your wrist trigger to the string , so you pull the string back with your wrist strap, and when ready pull the trigger. I...
  12. G

    How heavy is too heavy?

    Come on Smokey get fit , I am 81 with cancer , but I just did archery practice at 40 yards. 60 arrows did me in a bit as not done it for three weeks. I shoot arrows most mornings over morning coffee , and don’t smoke or like next door you won’t make 64 brown bread !!!! !!! We are all with...
  13. G

    How heavy is too heavy?

    Yes around 8 lbs is just nice. African hunting expect 12lbs for a decent .5 double. The rich in Scotland had a guy to carry his rifle. This one was made in Aberdeen, •577, 36” barrel 1830 percussion coming in at 12 lbs, obviously for stag hunting in the hills . Best to carry them over your...
  14. G

    How heavy is too heavy?

    Well done I am 81, they are all that age at our little sailing club. Just a number theses days. I am not into carbines but collecting an auction win 3 Sep. It has a 23” barrel .530 bore 1840 German mountain rifle , hope I chose wisely. Kindest love from far across the pond. Sailed it once...
  15. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Ps you might ask about the house, it was relatively cheap 5 years ago as it’s out in the wilds of South Cerney , which was a small war time airfield , it’s just offices now. The air ministry built one of these for the commander of each little airfield and there was hundreds of them ...
  16. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Banjos horns and things, do you know what a Volvo lap lander is, well most are full of rust , very rare , but a four wheel drive built for off road for the Hungarian army ,1982 ,and built there too , even the axels are off a jeep USA And for me hunting truck. !!!!!! 1968 1.8 Volvo petrol...
  17. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Thinking is a repro powder horn, beautiful as they are , an unmentionable. I don’t mind what it is as long as it goes “BANG” plenty of smoke and a glorious smell . Then we have clothes and hand made leather bags, and Pedrosoli , our Italian friends. i am 81 and not yet an unmentionable ha ha...
  18. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    But if it made you happy we are all happy. And if it’s interesting we are most happy to read it , unmentionables, banjo”s and bows an arrows, both from Africa , they are all history , but not too much of it . Ha ha love from London. Well the West Country today
  19. G

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Heavy rain at my sons uk Cirencester Holts were selling off unsold auction items and they wanted £260 for an almost finished 28g pair of chopper lump shotgun barrels Nice bores but un-chambered 3 days later they are mine. Hope to make them into. Double muzzle loader Bit too thin to...