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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Zonie

    Totally new to all of this

    Welcome to the forum. :) It looks like our members have already covered a lot of the bases here but the best place to be talking about the rifle is in the Percussion Rifles area of the forum. If you buy any percussion caps, please don't try to see if they will fire on the gun before you varify...
  2. Zonie

    Questions about filing sights and the math involved

    To figure out how much total change must be made to the sights to raise or lower the point of impact several things need to be known. The distance to the target. The distance the shot on the target needs to move to get to the right place and the distance between the front and rear sight on the...
  3. Zonie

    T&C Thunder Hawk

    Well, we do limit the discussions to the kinds of guns that were made before 1866 but our sister forum, Modern Muzzleloaders is a great place to go to discuss the more recent designs. Here's a link to it
  4. Zonie

    Got the Witworth fixed; took it to the range- more newbie questions

    The Lyman "BLACK POWDER HANDBOOK & LOADING MANUAL" has a page showing the results of their testing for a .451 caliber rifle. They only used 2Fg powder and this is one of the few pages that does not show breech pressures. (Take it from me, they are very high.) Here are the results for a 475...
  5. Zonie

    cast iron bullets?

    Folks: The "Search" feature on the forum is a great tool to find old posts that were made about some subject. We've got posts going back over 18 years and because muzzleloading doesn't change much, many of those old posts are as good today as they were when they were first posted. That said...
  6. Zonie

    Great Plains Pistol Sight Issue??

    You will not ruin the temper of the barrel steel because if your barrel is like almost all barrels used for muzzleloading guns, it was made out of low carbon steel. Low carbon steel cannot be hardened so it is not "tempered". Even if it was tempered steel, the 400°F temperature I mentioned isn't...
  7. Zonie

    Home made shotgun wads

    Yes. But they got the name backwards on the label. It said, "Wayne John Paper". 🤣
  8. Zonie

    WITHDRAWN Lyman 1851 Pistol

    Follow this link to see several ways of posting pictures on the forum
  9. Zonie

    New member.

    Welcome to the forum. :) Hopefully you will find our forum interesting. We have some very knowledgable people here who, as you can tell from the advice above will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. We also would like to see your comments and thoughts out in the other...
  10. Zonie

    CLOSED Rogers & Spencer revolver

    Nothing is forcing you to advertise on the forum. If you do, the Classified Ad rules apply.
  11. Zonie

    Great Plains Pistol Sight Issue??

    Not that I am in favor of using LocTite for sights but if someone decides to use it they need to know how it works. LocTite doesn't harden when it contacts fresh air. It doesn't harden when it is exposed to humidity. It only hardens when it is in contact with active metals like iron or steel...
  12. Zonie

    Silver wire inlay

    Rather than using a sharp chisel or knife, I use a fine toothed triangular file to form the grooves in the sides of the silver or brass ribbon. To do this, with the file laying flat on a table with one edge pointed up I put on some leather gloves. Then, laying the ribbon at a 90° angle to the...
  13. Zonie

    Track of the Wolf

    Actually, the description of that sideplate says it is silver. Not German silver. I have never heard of anyone who makes nickle castings for muzzleloading rifles but for those interested, German Silver is a copper/nickle/zinc alloy. It is quite hard. Harder to file than most brass parts...
  14. Zonie

    Maynard second model carbine

    They would probably be more suited to being posted on a Norwegian or Swedish or perhaps British site but they do meet the forums requirements. As you know, the Muzzleloading Forum is an American site and most of our members are more interested in the firearms that were used in America rather...
  15. Zonie

    Maynard second model carbine

    Before someone complains about this post let me say, the Maynard is one of the breech loading guns the Muzzleloading forum allows. Although the Maynard rifle and carbine was designed by Dr. Edward Maynard, the same man who designed the Maynard self priming tape system, these guns uses a regular...
  16. Zonie

    In need of some Smoothbore hunting tips (.75cal Brown Bess Musket)

    Zonie doesn't, "knows all" but Zonie does, "sees all" on the forum so sooner or later, I would have moved this thread to the Smoothbore section as I am about to do now. :)
  17. Zonie

    New owner to a muzzleloader

    Congratulations on your find and for joining the forum. :) Here is a link to the Thompson Center Hawken Owners Manual. It is in pdf form so you might need adobe to read it although most modern computers and phones already have a pdf reader built into them. Click on the link. When it opens...
  18. Zonie

    SOLD 40 caliber Lyman / Ideal mold for sale $45 Shipped in Cont USA

    Although the .38-40 is a cartridge, I'm going to leave this ad as it is. A cast bullet from this mold could be resized to .398-.399 and used in a .40 caliber bore muzzleloader. For instance, I could use the resized bullet in my Schuetzen. I am NOT making an offer to buy this mold but am...
  19. Zonie

    CLOSED 1861 Springfield

    I've changed this into a Wanted ad and removed the other thread.
  20. Zonie

    Kerrville Area

    My Florida map doesn't show any Kerrville in existence. Google agrees and only lists one town with that name. It is Kerrville, Texas.