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  1. B

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    Your previous post with high lighted instructions mentions a bolster clean out screw. Guess that confused me.
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    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    So, let me get this straight. On the Crockett rifle, there are threaded ports on both sides of the barrel at the breech end. The one opposite the bolster identified as a Clean out screw, which appears to be the same thread size as the drum thread, and the bolster/drum clean out screw, about...
  3. B

    Walmart caps

    I showed a Walmart employee the UPC code for caps. He couldn’t even order them to his store. They can only order product inventoried in their distribution center. SE dist. ctrs do not stock percussion caps. Show this pic to your local Walmart, see if they can order them.
  4. B

    My Golcher backaction original

    Thanks for your insight Shelby. I bought this rifle through an auction in Pa., so it may well have spent sometime in NY.
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    A question about pyrodex

    Ive shot Triple 7 with 10 grains of 3F BP under it, went off without a hitch. If Pyrodex is easily found, I d recommend buying the 3F variety. A friend of mine shot it for years. Whenever he won a match, he’d exclaim “P powder !”
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    “Mending Wall”. Robert Frost
  7. B

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    If you don’t have a #11 nipple wrench, buy one. Use an open end for removal until you get one. When reinstalling, apply hi temp lithium grease to nipple threads. I wouldn’t recommend removing the drum, no need really. Ask around, somebody will tell you how to get the screw out.
  8. B

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    Looks like the clean out screw has been removed and replaced many times, get an Allen head set screw to replace it, you won’t be sorry.. I’d recommend pulling the barrel, remove the nipple and pump some soapy water in and out thru the drum. If you have a patent breech, this is the surest way...
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    ML Hunter Safety Course

    Took my first course in Gowanda, NY in 1963, my brother 2 years earlier, 1961.
  10. B

    My Golcher backaction original

    Yes they are, one dates to 1815, the other 1855. The Golcher family emigrated from England in the late 1700’s. I’m thinking this lock got sent back to a gunsmith in England. Also unusual is the barrel goes from octagon to round. It really has good balance when held to shoot.
  11. B

    SOLD Thompson Center for sale

    That’s one of the more unusual rear sights I’ve seen. Not a GM sight.
  12. B

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Pulled out my 40 and 45 cal cap locks to be sure the recent cleaning left no residual moisture in the barrels. Since it’s been in the 90’s here, I put them in the car, windows up, post cleaning, pre oiling the bore to dry. Both checked out good.
  13. B

    Percussion cap search...

    If you find them that close, take the drive. Be sure to call ahead to insure there’s not a purchase limit or it may not be worth while. #11, I prefer magnum in all variety. If #11 aren’t available, you can get a nipple with your thread for musket caps though Track of the Wolf.
  14. B

    Graf Powder

    I ordered 4 lbs. If I have an issue, I’ll report, but I don’t expect any.
  15. B

    Graf Powder

    Just read it’s made by WANO, the European Company that makes other BPs.
  16. B

    My Golcher backaction original

    Posted my June target. The rifle shoots very well with 40 grains of 3F, 440 ball and.015 patch. The butt plate is uncomfortable on my shoulder when bench shooting, but not so when shooting off hand.
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    June Postal Match Target

    Shot this with my original Golcher back action lock45 cal., single trigger, off hand. Pretty sure of the score (40), unless Gary sees otherwise.
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    FOR SALE Rapine mould 585/315sc w/_580 sizer

    Does the mould include or have an insert for forming the skirt? Do you have a pic of a molded minie?
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    Won A Hawkin!

    In 1995, I bought a raffle ticket that indexed off the late 3 number draw in NYS. A 30 gun 30 day draw. The only gun I was interested in was a 25th Anniversary Hawken by Thompson Center. Yep, won it and got me into this addictive hobby. A few years later bought a raffle ticket at a local...
  20. B

    Check your CCI caps before you buy

    Went shooting yesterday with CCI magnum caps. 5 of 10 required 2 strikes, probably 1 in 10 never fired. So yeah, I was lucky enough to buy 7 tins from somewhere that are not reliable. Do not have this issue with this gun nipple configuration with the RWS caps. I’ll suffer through it, but it...