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  1. Salt River Johnny

    Hawken Classic Location Cancelled by the St. Charles County Parks Department

    Perhaps Arrow Rock would sponsor the event or perhaps somewhere in the Booneslick region. This is just terrible this has happened. Verbal agreements from them mean nothing as well as perhaps all other Verbal agreements they make else where. Salt River Johnny
  2. Salt River Johnny

    Missouri Wilderness 1829

    I have not read the book but it looks really great. I do alot of research on Missouri Pre 1830. I have a face book site with alot of similar books I use as research. Check it out "The Mud lark mess". Salt River Johnny
  3. Salt River Johnny

    My once owned 50-90 Sharps

    Your all correct . It has been 5 years since I sold this. I posted wrong photos from another rifle. Been a long week. Apologies. It is a 1874 Sporting rifle style The caliber I will have to check and see. It is really a nice rifle. Thank you Phil Coffins Salt River Johnny
  4. Salt River Johnny

    My once owned 50-90 Sharps

    I HAVE CORRECTED THIS POSTS DELEATING THE WRONG IMAGES. I sold this several years ago. The gentleman is going to sell it back to me. It's a reproduction 1874 Sharps 50-90 Cal. with a 32 inch barrel. Interesting NO Stamps or manufactor markings on the rifle. What are your opinions on this. Are...
  5. Salt River Johnny

    Hirschfänger- German hunting swords

    Those are very nice. I myself collect military swords. Salt River Johnny
  6. Salt River Johnny

    Mud Lark Mess @ WBIT in Missouri

    I will be set up at this event talking about several books I written also I will have a display of pre 1865 Missouri antiques.
  7. Salt River Johnny

    Good Traders

    Dsm01s 32 Cal. DAVID New member can be trusted. He sent me a money order no worries He recieved the Mississippi rifle and is happy with purchase. Salt River Johnny
  8. Salt River Johnny

    SOLD Mississippi rifle reproduction Price reduction.

    Dsm01s 32 Cal. DAVID New member can be trusted. He sent me a money order no worries He recieved rifle and is happy with purchase. Salt River Johnny
  9. Salt River Johnny

    New grab. What is it?

    Looks like it has new nipples. I bet she can shoot. I need a set of locks just like yours. Great gun! Salt River Johnny
  10. Salt River Johnny

    SOLD Mississippi rifle reproduction Price reduction.

    Money recieved. Sale is done. I will leave this up till David recieves the Mississippi at his home. Thank you everyone for your interests. Salt River Johnny
  11. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from MO

    Welcome from Paris Missouri. Salt River Johnny
  12. Salt River Johnny

    SOLD Mississippi rifle reproduction Price reduction.

    I am awaiting payment. I have not been to Post office in two days. Payment should be there awaiting me. I will take down this post once payment is revieved and item is mailed. Thank you all. Salt River Johnny
  13. Salt River Johnny

    Cleaning with Tow

    I like your bullet worm / cleaning jag where did you get this and wondering what type of steel it is made of? Does it slip down on a tapered ram rod and hold there? Thank you Sir Salt River Johnny
  14. Salt River Johnny

    TRADE Original Civil War 1860 Cav. sword scabbard trade for a 1860 Cav. Sword.

    Original Civil War 1860 Cav. sword scabbard NO SWORD. for trade. Scabbard is in great shape . Is painted gold from a old GAR post I would believe. The paint can be removed. Rings are attached. I NEED a ORIGINAL 1860 Cav. Sword for another empty scabbard I have. The sword does not have to be...
  15. Salt River Johnny

    Coming in here from TENNESSEE Poncho

    Welcome from Missouri Salt River Johnny
  16. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from Missouri

    Welcome....from Monroe County Mo. Salt River Johnny
  17. Salt River Johnny

    Show and Tell: Post something old and interesting - I'll go first!

    A 1820s-30s M. J. Tobias silver pocket watch I own I am restoring the crystal an hands. It has a military motif engraved on it. Salt River Johnny
  18. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from the Ozarks.

    Welcome from Paris, Missouri Salt River Johnny.