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  1. Salt River Johnny

    Greetings from Mark Twain country

    I am starting to build a trade fusel flint lock. It is my first build. Perhaps we can get together an compare notes.
  2. Salt River Johnny

    Greetings from Mark Twain country

    Welcome from Paris ,Monroe County, Missouri . Salt River Johnny
  3. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from NE Mo

    Indeed small world. Do you own a flint lock or percussion gun?
  4. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from NE Mo

    We are about 3 miles apart.
  5. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from NE Mo

    I am on the East side of the Middle Fork of the Salt River at Paris. My farm almost 6 acres is just West of Puttmans tire Shop and Hwy 24/15 intersection.
  6. Salt River Johnny

    Hello from NE Mo

    Welcome. I am in Monroe County. I am sure we know the same people. Salt River Johnny
  7. Salt River Johnny

    Gun show Hannibal, Mo. Jan 13-14-15.

    It's a descent show.
  8. Salt River Johnny

    Gun show Hannibal Missouri January

    Yes I did for two months the Geman soldiers sorted U.S. Army shoes that were mixed up. Wife and I in photo below. I'm on the left. See you there. Salt River Johnny.
  9. Salt River Johnny

    Gun show Hannibal, Mo. Jan 13-14-15.

    Gun show Hannibal Missouri January 13-14-15 2023. Admiral Koontz Armory. I will be set up here selling military collectables and black powder firearms. Check my tables out. Salt River Johnny
  10. Salt River Johnny

    Gun show Hannibal Missouri January

    Gun show Hannibal Missouri January 13-14-15 2023. Admiral Koontz Armory. I will be set up here selling military collectables and black powder firearms. Check my tables out. Salt River Johnny
  11. Salt River Johnny

    Algerian stock.

    Thank you guys for all your comments. Salt River Johnny
  12. Salt River Johnny

    Algerian stock.

    Thank you Sir for the explanation of the stock. I appreciate your response. That is a nice one in the photo. Salt River Johnny
  13. Salt River Johnny

    Algerian stock.

    Interesting Algerian stock with inlays an dated Bengazi 1911. I wish there was more of the gun there. It had no trigger guard originaly and a trigger with a ball on it. Looks like it was made into a carbine with a carbine ring attached. I think this is just a early tourist piece but still is...
  14. Salt River Johnny

    1816/35 lock Yea Me!

    Bill, I am happy beyond words to find a lock. I have alot of resources and they paid off. Thank you Sir. Salt River Johnny
  15. Salt River Johnny

    1816/35 lock Yea Me!

    Thank you
  16. Salt River Johnny

    1816/35 lock Yea Me!

    I agree. I was very fortunate to find a lock that fit. I found a gentleman that gave me a great deal on it. Thank you for your nice comments. Salt River Johnny
  17. Salt River Johnny

    1816/35 lock Yea Me!

    Just purchased a lock for my 1816/35 Harpers Ferry. It fits great and looks wonderful. No modifications to the inner wood or the plate.
  18. Salt River Johnny

    Help Identify

    M1 garand,50 Cal. Cleaning rod handle and tool