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  1. Salt River Johnny

    Which type of lead to source

    My home was built in 1850. I replaced the lead pipes with PVC. So great lead that is made in the 1840s or 1850. I have enough to last me a very long time. I am still making ingets.
  2. Salt River Johnny

    J . M. Gorsuch rifle

    Found this today. A friend has it. I have not saw it in person yet. A J . M. Gorsuch rifle made in Ohio. My guess 1850s. I may get it for my collection.
  3. Salt River Johnny

    Percussion rifle

    I agree with you. I have documented in my area from Howard ,Randolph ,Boone,Macon and Monroe Counties there were at the least 20 gun makers from 1820s to 1850. There was a mix of guns in the collection. Demick St. Louis and others. I sold a nice marked 1850 made half stock with a patch box. It...
  4. Salt River Johnny

    Percussion rifle

    It came out of a large gun collection here in Central Missouri. That is all I know.
  5. Salt River Johnny

    Percussion rifle

    Anyone have an ideal perhaps what area in the U.S. this 36 Cal rifle may have been made? No markings found. Thank you
  6. Salt River Johnny

    Your thoughts on this percussion rifle.

    I have been buying guns from a collection this is one that I can not find a markings on it. Full stock 36 Cal. Appears to be a tiger stripe stock. Looks like a flint conversion. A Ohio rifle style? Any help would be appreciated. I love these old guns.
  7. Salt River Johnny

    Springfield 1838

    The cone conversions were only weak when the musket has been rifled. But always have a gunsmith check it out before fireing.
  8. Salt River Johnny

    WANTED 1816/35 Springfield musket lock

    I am in need of a original 1816 Springfield musket. Belgian cone conversion percussion complete lock plate dated 1835. This needs to be in great shape. I would like to trade for this item. I have alot of militaria and Arisaka parts.. I am in Missouri. . Thank you all.
  9. Salt River Johnny

    New guy.

    That it does. I am researching the French in the interor of Missouri. Diaries etc. Great information.
  10. Salt River Johnny

    Missouri... anyone?

    That it is.
  11. Salt River Johnny

    Missouri... anyone?

    I know the name Abel in the area. Paris is a nice area to live.
  12. Salt River Johnny

    Missouri... anyone?

    I used to work for the PD in Curryville. A very long time ago.
  13. Salt River Johnny

    Missouri... anyone?

    I am in Paris, Mo.
  14. Salt River Johnny

    New guy.

    Will do Sir. Thank you.
  15. Salt River Johnny

    New guy.

    Salt River Johnny. I live here in Missouri. I have been shooting over 40 years. I enjoy 18th Century history of Missouri. I do living history events.Thank you.