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  1. B

    tanning snake skins

    Walmart and Fred Meyers has it in pharmacy area not to far from rubbing alcohol.
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    tanning snake skins

    Ive used this on several and works well ! Got the recipe originally from a old snake hunter here in Or.
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    Myrtlewood gun stock?

    This one is Myrtle stained with potassium permangenate. And this Myrtle stock is aquafortis stained.
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    Making a leather awl - best steel

    After taking the awl to a diamond cross section go one step further and take it to an oval cross section . After getting it sharpened with stones either strop it on a leather strop with rouge or on a buffing wheel or bob with a dremel . The oval and being buffed will let it glide through the...
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    Half Soleing a Frizzen.

    wick ..............where did you get the staybrite silver solder ?
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    barrel lug repair

    I agree , use a new lug . I use 50/50 solder with paste flux. Big thing is having a clean surface. Tin the area being soldered and the lug using the flux liberally and dont overheat part before starting to apply solder . After tinning flux again and clamp lug heat until bonded . Havent had one...
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    Smooth Rifle

    Thank ye and it did have an oder for a little bit :grin: Its all sealed up now with tung oil so as not to attract flies :rotf:
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    Smooth Rifle

    Thank you fellers . Had a new gun so needed a bag and some pouches to hold wads , shot and ball ! Made these for it .Workin on a horn for it now .
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    unbreeched 20ga. shotgun barrels

    They are still on there but it will take some searching as they reconstructed the site ! :cursing:
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    Smooth Rifle

    Knowin you , you'ld get around it some how :rotf:
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    Smooth Rifle

    I think you'ld have to make a finner extention Swampy :haha:
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    Smooth Rifle

    Got MYgo at a Bucks Co. smooth rifle in .62/20ga. completed . Walnut stock w/vinegar iron stain , 1"x44.5" Douglas barrel rebored that I turned oct/round ,Siler lock, brass mounts . 15" LOP, 2 3/8 drop at cheek , 3/8" cast off . Fits me perfect .I shot it before I pulled it down and finished it...
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    Lock patterns or books

    Track of the Wolf had them not long ago.
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    Bucks County Pics

    That is a beauty Fred ! :thumbsup:
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    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............thats why I couldnt sniff them out :rotf:
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    Fred , where did you post them ? I been looking and havent found them ? :hmm:
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    Can we see some Fowlers...

    Heres mine , a work in progress. .62 , 44-1/2" barrel , black walnut stock . Wont be much longer though !
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    First Gun Build

    you can use a level and level flats in padded vise by using shims if necessary , and take a fine cut file holding it tight under level then rub it at sight location holding bubble level .Make your mark longer than yor sight as to have a reference for lining up your blade .
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    This caplock followed me home

    Hopkins and Allen Minuteman , barrels were made by Numrich Arms in the beginning. When H&A went under Numrich bought the remaining parts inventory . They are good shooters !
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    Numrich Arms Muniteman 45 cal.

    Numrich bought up the last of H&A ML parts .