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  1. Tacitus

    Favorite RB size for a .45

    In my Kibler SMR I use a .440 ball with a .015 pillow ticking patch when clover-leaf grouping accuracy is called for, i.e. hunting. When merely burning powder for the fun of it I use a .433 ball with the same .015 patch because it is just a bit easier to load. The smaller ball is still plenty...
  2. Tacitus

    Revisiting our friend Titus Bass

    I own the complete nine volume set. "Carry the Wind" and "Border Lords are signature copies addressed to me by Terry. I have read the entire series twice and will read them again in the near future. I consider them to be Terry's opus magnum.
  3. Tacitus

    What is needed in your bag?

    In my shooting pouch (left) I carry only the essentials to run the rifle. Anything else I deem necessary to carry goes in my possibles bag (right).
  4. Tacitus

    GPR vs Mountain Rifle

    I have shot but not owned the GPR and the CVA. My admittedly brief experience with them gives me the impression that they are both good rifles and would serve well. However, I do own two Brownings. A JBMR, in .50 and .54. I was so pleased with the first that I bought another. They are very high...
  5. Tacitus


    I purchased two of simonbeans short starters, they arrived today. Made to my specifications. Very good craftsmanship. A quality item worthy of the price.
  6. Tacitus

    Piece of Junk

    The leather wrap may be more than mere decoration. If it was a competition rifle I wonder if the wrap may have been a tactile reminder that served to maintain a consistent hold point for it's owner?
  7. Tacitus

    Piece of Junk

    Very nice story with a happy ending. It does make one wonder how many times a neglected original SMR or poor boy has been thrown away because some unknowledgeable suppository shooter was of the opinion the gun was a plain looking and care worn "useless piece of junk".
  8. Tacitus

    Just a Trade Gun and Plunder

    That truly shines!
  9. Tacitus

    Kibler SMR

    I chose walnut and am very pleased with the results.
  10. Tacitus

    Trade gun rear sight

    Nice solution, I like it.
  11. Tacitus

    Mountain Men movie Short muzzle loaders?

    Gun? I studied that photo for awhile. Guess I'll go back and look for the gun. ;-)
  12. Tacitus

    A “Fishy” Powder Measure

    Very creative, and nicely executed.
  13. Tacitus

    Walnut Kibler .45cal SMR, long wait

    Kibler's initial estimate was six weeks. unforeseen supply shortage extended the wait to more than doubled the time to four months. Simply math, it was a longer wait..... four months isn't too long to wait for the quality that is a Kibler kit, his products are well worth the wait.
  14. Tacitus

    New Flintlock Shooter...someday

    Congratulations, a fine looking laddie.
  15. Tacitus

    Gave in to the nervous nannies

    On my turf I follow my rules, on other's turf I follow their rules. Mostly I stay on my turf.
  16. Tacitus

    Hmmmmmm, Mongo like …

    The fix was in.
  17. Tacitus

    I joined the dry ball club today

    Congratulations on joining the club. Now start working on your Double Ball Membership.
  18. Tacitus

    War Club with Black Pine

    Very nicely done!
  19. Tacitus


    My first and only ML for a long while was an iron mounted Jonathan Browning Mountain Rifle in .50 cal. Today I have a modest collection and enjoy shooting each of them but it is the JBMR that I have shot thousands more rounds through than any of the others because for a very long awhile it was...