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  1. B

    Increased Prices of Replica Percussion Revolvers

    some Yankee states already EMF has a notice on their web site. Bunk
  2. B

    No muzzleloading pepperbox reproductions?

    having given this about a three second thought this contraption seems to be an answer looking for a question. watch
  3. B

    No muzzleloading pepperbox reproductions?

    here is a hint google EMF firearms and look in the 1851 Navy column.
  4. B

    Colt Walker vs Dragoon more fun to shoot?

    Go for it and good on you. It is just not my cup of Arbuckles Love the snubby bet it looks like a pear burner when fired. Bunk
  5. B

    Increased Prices of Replica Percussion Revolvers

    as has the cost of everything else. It's called inflation some times it catches you in between mouth fulls "Support your local sheriff". Bunk
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    No muzzleloading pepperbox reproductions?

    EMF Pietta makes one in .36 smooth bore
  7. B

    Colt Walker vs Dragoon more fun to shoot?

    different strokes for different folks pardner as long as we just have fun doing it Blaze away!
  8. B

    Colt Walker vs Dragoon more fun to shoot?

    None of the above. Both of these revolvers were meant to be carried in pommel holsters on the saddle of a horse. Do you have a horse? Yes I know Gus carried one in Lonesome Dove. but remember movie six guns can shoot multiple rounds with out reloading so go figure. The only time I ever remember...
  9. B

    Bear Grease..............

    Never forget this a bear is not a fuzzy, cuddly, adorable animal. It is an apex predator and consider humans as just a crunchy snack. The four Cooper Gunsight rules for bear counrtry 1. Be alert 2. carry and be proficient with a large caliber firearm 3 do not camp on bear trails 4 BE ALERT...
  10. B

    Bear Grease..............

    Used to fix a squeaky bear's joints? Mobil1would work just as good and is easier to find. I am lost here but i am just a hand gun guy. Bunk
  11. B


    do a little searching online because along with others Graf's has powder in several brands and granulation at a reasonable price. Look at American Pioneer Powder under different labels. It is good in percussion guns and is classified the same as smokessomewhatless powder not an explosive...
  12. B

    Cleaning between shots

    I have read reports from legitimate sources Pyrodex, unless very carefully cleaned, will micro etch some barrel steels. Not ruining the barrel but making a sligyt roughness to catch fouling. I hate to say this but I date back to corrosive chlorate primers and caps which required careful...
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    Normal cleaning each cone gets a half turn and is seated. If it is going back into the rack they are removed and cleaned when replaced each gets a smear of never size compound Having to send a cylinder to Lodge Wood Mfg. to have them drilled out and new threads cut is expensive and time...
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    Cleaning between shots

    this almost provokes me to getting out the Green River Rifle and shooting it...almost. Then my mind clears and instead reach for the Sharps carbine with a Hahn breech modification. close but no cigar Bunk
  15. B

    Cleaning between shots

    i was Army we had C rations some dated 1943 this was in 1957 yummy Bunk
  16. B

    Cleaning between shots

    It depends. Sometime I use cut up t-shirt but usually I use Scott Industrial (blue) paper towels cut up. Those blue towels are tougher that an 1880's Dodge City steak. Bunk
  17. B

    Old Caps

    careful they may be made with a chlorate of other corrosive percussive compound. Not a big thimg but clean with water to dissolve the fouling.
  18. B

    Cleaning between shots

    Take that (Profanity edited) jag and use it for a fish line sinker or a watch fob. Get a brass brush one caliber smaller than the bore. Wrap a patch around the brush covering it completely and swab using something containing water. Moose milk (Ballistol and water 1:10) is my choice. Use a...
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    yes but you are an experienced gun plumber. A smart one that knows what you are doing...usually. .Gonna drag out one of the never fail Armies more to follow. Stay safe Bunk
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    Respectfully Bunk