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  1. B

    No patches/wads for revolvers?

    To lube my Sharps ring tails I made a dipper out of a .50S&W (unmentionable) case and lube the bullet, but not the bullet nose. it works well with the Eras Gone Smith bullet also. To keep the lube good and hot put the lube container in a pan of close to boiling water on a hot plate. Been...
  2. B

    Strange issue cleaning .50 cal

    what ever works for you go for it. However I am not sure of that steel wool idea. Bronze wool or green scotch brite something softer than the barrel steel. But again a man should do what he thinks is best Bunk
  3. B

    Strange issue cleaning .50 cal

    My advise is never put a patch on a jag down the bore. Use either a wet cotton mop or a smaller caliber brass brush with the patch wrapped around it. Same goes for a shotgun. At least that works for me. have fun Make smoke Bunk
  4. B

    short and soft firing cones

    actually I am in the live oak part of Fayette county very few cedar plenty of mesquite, But it is hot here too.
  5. B

    short and soft firing cones

    Slixshots installed with a dab of never size compound on the threads. Now as soon as the "low pressure steam" as Mark Novak calls the outside air we have here in central Texas the smoke will commence. Right now the sauna conditions limit activity only in the shop with /c Planning to make smoke Bunk
  6. B

    I got a screw loose!

    it is metric try VTI for a set of hardened replacements Bunk
  7. B

    Stuck ball in percussion cylinder

    and the operative word is BRASS those fine threads are easy to ruin so be very careful. Don't ask me how i gained that experience. Bunk
  8. B

    short and soft firing cones

    Fortunately my Grandfather had the good sense to move from White Plains NY to Texas Bunk
  9. B

    How far down do you clean?

    if you had used Grits for filler it would have smelled like breakfast time in Georgia J. L. "Bunk" Stagner
  10. B

    How far down do you clean?

    My choice is a lubricated felt wad between he powder and ball. Kills two birds ( space and lube) with one wad. the lube is lard and wax bees or paraffin no oils to bleed out Thanks to Mark Hubbs at Eras Gone Bullets for this quick and economical lube. Bunk
  11. B

    short and soft firing cones

    some where in this forum is a post about snubbies and a picture of some of them. Ya gotta love them Bunk.
  12. B

    short and soft firing cones

    Admittedly I have an embarrassingly large number of C&B revolvers. With the exception of two all are fitted with Slixshot nipples. One is an ancient 1851 Navy that datees back tothe days corrosive caps. The other is a Uberti 1862 Police I just seldom shoot. Slixshot are the only way to go for...
  13. B

    How far down do you clean?

    Petroleum based bullet lubes react with the heat, combustion products, and pressure of firing. There is some complex organic chemistry involved I do not understand but the result is a very hard to remove tar like substance. DON'T ASK ME HOW I KNOW!! On...
  14. B

    short and soft firing cones

    The soft original Uberti cones were replaced with TOW hard but too short to make ignition cones. Everything went into the "don't work" pile and a brand new set of Slixshot nipples are here and ready to be installed. Right now i am up to my ears on an unmentionable project but I will get around...
  15. B

    Grease or Oil on the Arbor

    Lubriplate works for me but i usually only shoot five or six cylinders full at a time. However the project Slixshot nipples came and that is next on the list. Making smoke Bunk
  16. B

    Is it uncool to use Pyrodex?

    Actually my SASS alias is Bunk because of a man named James Lewis "Bunk" Stagner who lived near and ran cattle on what was then free range that is now property I own. In fact his son was murdered at a place in my east pasture. I adapted the alias BUNK in tribute to him with his place the...
  17. B

    Is it uncool to use Pyrodex?

    I disagree very strongly with such comments. Understand I am not a fan of subs and Pyrodex in particular. Having said that if a substitute be it Pyrodex. APP, or 777 is all a shooter can get more power to them. Pour it down your rag nose gun barrel, bang away and make smoke. While I have a...
  18. B

    firing cone trouble

    No actually it makes capping easier because the recoil shield on the right side is opened up for the brass thingy to go in and out. It is the same system Colt used to "modernize" the `51 Navy. I think one problem is the arbor length fix and I have the inforatin on how ro stabilize the...
  19. B

    Real black powder

    Johnny Walker Blue label thank you very much
  20. B

    Real black powder

    First personally I am not a big fan of subs over real Black Gunpowder. But if that is all you can get to keep the sport alive go for it and keep making smoke.. Happily my Grandfather had the good sense to move from White Plains,NY to Dallas, Texas. Lucky me Texan to the core. Bunk