Interesting question. I don't know why they are there. They are probably less than 1/32" deep and don't seem to serve a purpose. Nothing in that area seems to have caused them either.
Unfired since in my possession and possibly unfired before i got it. It has been kept cleaned and oiled religiously since purchased.
.44 caliber Armi San Marco Walker.
$450 shipped
It's like 42 don't exist anymore. Used ones are going for the over the price for a new one. Found one in a random shop yesterday for 800 bucks that was defarbed. Bought it faster than hell.
If it wasn't for Britishmilitariaforums and British Muzzloaders on YouTube, the old grumpy guys running the muzzloader store near me I would have been dissuaded a long time ago from muzzloading. AVOID MUZZLOADER SUPPLY IN FIFE, WA.
This forum is full of overweight, overripe old men who squeeze into thier buck skins and squeeze off a few groups at a 50 yd range and like to think thier mountain men. They way they complain has me convinced there all HOA board members
These are are great rifles, however anything past the 1200 mark is outta my price range I was not aware these rifles commanded such sums of money. If anyone has one in that price range or even a Trade Musket in similar price range let me know.