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  1. Ditt44

    .36 small game rifle

    I think that weight on the Rice is accurate. Any TC Hawken barrel is heavy and just too long for my liking. I've had a couple and I sold them, just can't get a good feel. Would Rice cut the barrel back to 25 or 26 inches? That's still going to be heavy in 15/16. Oregon Barrel Works might...
  2. Ditt44

    New From Montana

    Welcome and for the record, I am a TC who... I mean... fan. I think you can easily find a Renegade in .54 for a very reasonable price. Flintlocks are going to run you a bit more, perhaps 100-150$ more than a percussion gun. If you have not landed one yet, has a mess of .54s up...
  3. Ditt44

    Round balls and obturation

    ... and what about a patch that has had the ball move off to one side or the other in loading so that it is not equally spaced/fit around the ball? Or an over-bore patch, like me using a .50/.54 .018 patch in my .45 Seneca because I get the best groups that way? How much, if any influence is...
  4. Ditt44

    Barrel twist for deer hunting

    My Pedersoli Scout in .50 with 60 grains Swiss 3F, .490 ball and .010 patch gets me an average of 1550 FPS. Plenty of speed and a very accurate rifle for a 1:48 barrel and round ball ;p It shot so well with the .010 patch that I never bothered trying anything thicker but I have to wonder how...
  5. Ditt44

    Sight Tricks.. whats yours

    I've gone from steel to steel with paint to fiber to fiber and peep. And that's feeling like it's not enough on my percussion guns. I'm afraid that 1x scopes are in the future so that I can focus. Increasingly frustrating. For dovetail mounts I do like the Marbles Bullseye sight. For my TCs...
  6. Ditt44

    .50 cal TC Renegade shooting high

    His front sight is too short. He needs a higher front if the rear is bottomed out. Raising the rear sight will increase the over shot as in hitting even higher. If we one his target distance we could identify the height needed but a standard TC front sight or to soec replacement will work fine.
  7. Ditt44

    .50 cal TC Renegade shooting high

    .010 Patch and .490 ball. 70 to 80 grains of 2F or 60 to 70 3F. This should be your starting point. You may end up using a .015 or .018 patch but start at one combo and work with that until you get your groups tightened up. Sight... Definitely was changed out and is far too small. The guys...
  8. Ditt44

    Traditions Deerhunter

    October Country has a page just for this issue... extract below: Traditions: Buckhunter In-Line, Fox River, Fox River Scout, Frontier Carbine, 36 cal Frontier Scout, Deerhunter, Pioneer Carbine, Whitetail (L) 23...
  9. Ditt44

    .36 small game rifle

    Relate-able to the TC Seneca in .36... since I mentioned that to Ed via PM: 25 grains Swiss 3F .015 patch with 60/40 Dawn/water, wet and then squeeze-pressed between notebook paper sheets before loading 25 yards, 1-1/2 inch square, aim point was the bottom of the square. I cleaned after the...
  10. Ditt44

    Any thoughts between an Investarms Deerstalker or Traditions Deerhunter? Also, considering a Hawken. PA Flintlock

    How much do you want to spend? Buying new, you can get an Investarms from $500 and of your two preferences, I would go with the Investarms, just more solid. I have looked at and considered the Deer Stalker in the past and if I had to buy a new, factory flintlock for about $500, that's what I...
  11. Ditt44

    Traditions kentucky rifle build

    So the nose cap is 'stuck' too far forward? If that is the case, I think I would be shaving/cutting off the extra wood and slipping the cap into place. I realize that gives you another 1/8" exposed barrel up front, but that seems easier and likely more finely finished than adding filler...
  12. Ditt44

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    My solution won't help Ed on this one with having non-trustworthy thimbles but might work for some of the other folks. I had the exact same issue with the loop over the barrel (fail) and over the rod (worse fail). I ended up using some Grovtech sling mounts I had for another rifle. For the...
  13. Ditt44

    Ramrod difference??

    If you are going to be hunting with your ML, it makes sense to practice with the rod in-place. Keep every single variable as similar as possible. I use a bronze range rod and never pull the 'field' rod when at the range.
  14. Ditt44

    Old PA hunting-no more

    OMG. Really? The fact I read that twice and my brain hurts from the absolute crazy in that, Example of the dumb-ing down of 'murica.
  15. Ditt44

    Old PA hunting-no more

    PGC Seasons Extended Regular Firearms Antlerless: Doe only and center fire rifles are only allowed in 2B, 4A, 5A and parts of 5C and 5D. No center fire in Chester County and bow/crossbow only in Philadelphia County. (WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D): Dec. 26-Jan. 25, 2025. (WMUs 4A, 4D, and 5A): Jan. 2...
  16. Ditt44

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    those caps are connected, should call them a flip-top. I had twist off tops prior and they're too messy.
  17. Ditt44

    my wife's new gun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    So you screwed it up before you made it pretty? LOL I really like that color. What is an easier way, with one stain?? hahaha Fantastic color though. I have one in .50 Flintlock that is too medium/light brown when I wanted to stay away from orange/red. I'd be thrilled with your color...
  18. Ditt44

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    In lieu of over-charging your tubes... which I have done as well... I think I posted these months ago, but worth it again. Easy to see what you've got in there and I write on the caps the pre-measure. 20 for the .32 and 25 for the .36 with room to spare. I didn't max them out but I am pretty...
  19. Ditt44

    Any sites like Leatherman for possibles bag?

    A second vote for Etsy. You can conjure up quite a few queries or check out some of the recommendations etc. that pop up. A ton of good crafts people and a huge variety of items. Although it might be a here-today-gone-tomorrow situation but odds are you could have an item made to your specs...
  20. Ditt44

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    I had a .54 TC Renegade barrel I mentioned around here before. I picked it up on GB from a less than honest seller when he answered my bore condition question. It looked like an inverted cobble stone street from end to end. It took more than 1,000 patches to clean it up. Scotch-brite, JB...